‘CIVIL WAR?’ Are Democrats Setting Up America for Armageddon?



She needs to be disbarred

Vote out Angry Black Women


  1. Not only does Letitia James need to be disbarred, she needs to be brought up on charges such as election interference. All of these so-called DAs and judges didn’t go after Trump until he announced his candidacy. James’ outrageous “fines” against Trump were totally bogus considering there were no victims of the “fraud”.

  2. JAMES IS A SICK ANGRY WOMAN. Her One claim to fame is HATRED for President Trump. She had the corrupt judge and the brainwashed New York jurors on stage so she could sit like a smiling spider in the court room, lickings HER chops over the fact that she “wants to sit in his penthouse and take him down”. Crazy? Yes, crazy. The frightening thing is, she is in a position of legal power, which she has ABUSED. My only hope is that she’ll come crashing down and be busted permanently. No job, no voice, maybe jail.

  3. If is was not clear after the first four years of obama and they still voted for biden then democrats are just too stupid to learn. They need a good forced population reduction.

    Sounds like trump will put a bunch of them in prison. If we have a little civil conflict and reduce that population another 20 or so percent that woudl quiet things down for another 50 years.

  4. Isn’t Leticia James the one who ran on the platform of getting Trump to get elected in the first place? She needs to be disbarred and put in jail

    • Biden was not elected, he was installed just like Harris was installed. Obama was not only the worst president he was the most corrupt!

      • I agree with you 100% Obama was the biggest mistake America ever made, Obama is the number one reason America is in the shape it is today. Leticia James should be disbarred.

  5. Yes the Dems are trying to provoke a war, civil or WWIII to stop Trump from saving this country. Biden/Obama are escalating Ukraine war to make it more difficult for Trump to stop the killing!


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