Caitlin Clark ROASTED For Apologizing For BEING WHITE, Says Black Women Deserve The Credit



Now apologize for being a woman.

No respect for anyone that bends the knee


  1. If she really feels that way, why didn’t she say this when she was in college basketball? There were black female players on her team at that time and she could’ve resigned her high draft pick status and let one of her black fellow team mates take that position. Caitlin, you’re full of shit!

  2. When is she going to announce she is transitioning into a he/she? Isn’t that the next logical step for the apology tour? She makes me sick. Blacks HATE being black and now they have trained the dog with the white fur to hate being white. Doomed, conditioned, indoctrinated in college. Money wasted on a spineless twat..

    • just like Drew Brees did, when he threw his grandfather’s service to America under the bus, to please the black thugs in the NFL (N1663RS FOOLS LOSERS) and Roger-Go-to-hell

  3. Caitlin – foot in mouth just cost you a bunch of fans. It was refreshing to see a new approach to what was boring – now you’re apologizing for being white in a “black woman’s” sport. Bye

  4. No one should be apologizing for being white or any other skin color! We should all be proud of our skin color whether it be black, red, blue, green or – WHITE. We were born a certain skin color and should never listen to anyone who tells us we should be ashamed of our skin color. I am caucasian and very proud of it!

  5. Too bad, the WOKE consciousness has set in. Thought she had what it takes to be an adult but again, she’s only 22. Wonder if she should take an interview with Megan Kelly? Maybe, but – not just yet.

  6. Never apologize for being you. It’s OK to be humble, but never give credit to others who didn’t earn it. Besides, basketball isn’t ‘their’ games — they don’t ‘own’ anything. Be proud of your accomplishments.

  7. Her coach and team mates should stick up for her. What is wrong with these women. How pathetic can you get. You can’t get by because you really don’t have the talent and you are essentially a DEI. Minimal talent maximum mouth.


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