BREAKING: Joe PARDONS Hunter Biden for ALL CRIMES, Forever DESTROYING Democrat Party, Libs FURIOUS



Raise your hand if you saw this coming

Joe and Hunter should both be in prison!!


  1. With Biden’s latest pardon of his own son, he has destroyed the Democrat party. This by far is his most outrageous act while in the White House. He is fully aware of all the crimes his son has committed, yet he ignores the rule of law. He is the most corrupt President America has ever seen. It’s time for the Bidens to get the hell out of Washington. HE is a total disgrace.

  2. Everyone knew Biden was lying saying he wouldn’t pardon Hunter, he has proven is is completely unfit for office and always was, and if that’s not enough he is trying to start WW111!!!

  3. Joe Biden has finally put the final nail in the coffin on his TOTALLY corupt administration.
    Then to top it all off Joe Biden said he always lived by telling the truth to the American people. What a JOKE Joe and the Democrats have exposed themselves to be.

  4. The demonrats party has always been criminals and nothing has changed because of all the corrupt demonrats judges that are still out thier and corrupt demonrats state’s America knows now that they are a bunch of criminals but remember they knew this when they voted demonrats they love beeing ruled by criminals or else America would stop voting for them

  5. Why am I surprised the dummycrats seem so shocked at this? Everyone with even just one brain cell knew this was coming regardless of the outcome of the election. Dummycrats are known for being a corrupt pile of runny shit. They’ve let ugly old drunk stupid hag Pelosi get away with shit that Martha Stewart was thrown in jail for, plus the plastic faced old drunk whore has sold out to the drug and human traffickers for doing her best to keep the southern border open. Plus, this may also be shitpants Joe’s revenge against the dummycrat party for dumping him out of a chance for re-election. If shitpants Joe accomplished anything, he made it easier for the republicans to win the mid-terms and 2028 presidential election.

  6. The same leftists who are so “outraged” by Biden’s actions are the ones who denied any wrongdoing by him or his son not that long ago. Funny how quickly and completely things change. After losing the election, it seems that nothing is off-limits as a potential source of blame for their misery. Of course, they’re also painfully aware that it’s not just Joe Biden who has been exposed as a total liar – everyone who defended him falls in that category as well, which includes most of the rank and file democrats. It’s damned uncomfortable to know that you’re now proven to be the very thing you accused your adversaries of being. Let’s hope the democratic party dies a quick and complete death.

  7. We all knew this was coming, I don,t trust Biden ,Obama ,pelosi, or Harris, all a bunch of LIARS, HIS SON WASN,T WORRIED CAUSE HE KNEW HIS DAD WAS GOING TO PARDON HIM, a bunch of Crooks, I,m so happy Americians came to their senses voted for Trump, or we would lose America.Biden your a disgrace to America, you should have to pay all the money you gave to Ucrane.

  8. Not surprised, just another biden LIE, and again, it’s starting to happen, another debacle pullout, only this time it’s from the white house. And the only thing left behind, is dirty diapers. But, with this I believe the demon-ratic party, will be dissolved. No wonder the world is laughing at us. 🤮🤮🤮

  9. Hunter hasn’t been formally charged with the most serious offenses yet. Violating the FARA Act by not registering as a foreign agent, treason against the US, Quid Pro Quo have not even been charged yet, among others. Perhaps Comer was waiting for Jan. 20th? This might be why the lesser charges were filed – for this exact reason. Dismissing the lesser charges, knowing Joe would pardon him, and then charge Hunter with the more serious charges when Joe is no longer in a position to pardon him. Here’s hoping this travesty of justice will be rewarded. I knew Joe was lying through his teeth when he said he WOULD NOT pardon Hunter.

    • My apologies. I didn’t read the previous articles entirely and based my opinion on the headlines. I didn’t realize that Biden was able to pardon his poor excuse of a son for crimes he hasn’t been charged with yet. That is total bullshit! Now, here’s hoping that his angelic son, Hunter began his blatant crime spree before 2014. Biden himself has committed crimes before the 2014 date that he specified. Some of the documents that he illegally had in his possession were obtained while he was a senator (prior to 2008) and VP (2008 up to 2014), which was pre-2014. Only presidents can possess such documents, that have been unclassified.

  10. Joe Biden is a pathetic Lier but he has to cover up Ukraine and China crimes corruption and Lies and Hateful Violence is a way of life for Democrats.

  11. This pardon does not mean that Hunter Biden cannot be brought to Congress to testify. He would lose his pardon if he refused to answer questions about his father’s actions, pleading the 5th. He would then be in contempt of Congress and jailed.

  12. This isn’t surprising. I knew he would do it, in spite of what he said previously. Anyone with a few functioning brain cells knew he would do it. Maybe he’ll pardon himself before he leaves office.

  13. Most of this stuff would never be exposed if Trump did not get elected. Showed Joe Biden in a disagreement. Saw the episode. Cannot remember the year. I believe. Had at least ten lies in that less than two minute ramble. Someone questioned Joe Biden. At the end. Joe said, “If you want to compare credentials, we can do that.” I hope that read this, would research what I wrote. Did see that.

  14. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW! Except for the Democrats. These people have a lot of nerve to get away with everything rotten. I WANT TRUMP PARDONED FOR THEIR POLITICAL SABOTAGE ON HIM AND HIS IMPEACH-
    MENTS. I am furious!


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