BREAKING: Daniel Penny found NOT GUILTY of negligent homicide




  1. A tragedy for sure. But here’s my question, did some of those same relatives who are now demanding money from Penny, did they try to help Jordan? I’d like to know that

  2. Black community….a Black, serial miscreant goes down, RIOT, LOOT BURN!

    White community….a White thug goes down, celebrate, party, thanks to the po-leece.

  3. Great news now lets have the police actually do their job and stop all of these sick leftist criminals on the subways and everywhere else.

    Now Daniel Penny needs to sue the police, prosecutor and the maniac black guys family for putting him through this mess. especially the family. They all knew they were allowing an insane violate maniac out of the streets and they did not care. The government has thrown several parents of killers in prison there is no reason this black insane violate maniac’s family and the city of New York should not be equally responsible.

  4. Typical protesters paid by the American communists party.. They never protest the death of innocent victims of crimes. Only when criminals get theirs.

  5. I am happy for the outcome for Penny. The case should have never come to trial in the first place. Who will come to the aid of others if he were convicted ever again?

  6. This quisling Bragg is trying to get re-elected. Soros is about done putting out cash. His son is helping to destroy the country with O’Kenyan.

  7. If Bragg would stop eating for a few minutes a day, he would realize that the people he is supposed to protect are being robbed and being victims in New York. Lay off the food, fatass, and do your job!!!

  8. FUNTASTIC NEWS!! ??????
    AND I AM SO HAPPY TO BE HERE AND REALLY WORIED about the fact that REAL AMERICAN Democracy May not exist anymore Because of the fact that DONALD TRUMP believes That HE can be a Great Leader and DICTATOR of all things about HIS OWN AMERICA 🇺🇸 👍👍‼️

    • Hey stupid, the U.S.A. has NEVER been a democracy and glad it never will be. This country is a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC, not some faggot little 3rd world democracy where punk wimps like you can become a dictator, like what happened in your favorite country Venezuela, by being democratically voted in.

  9. Somehow, I never felt that Daniel Penny would never be convicted. The trial put Penny, and his family in great distress. This should have never happened. Penny has an excellent background, a Marine Veteran, and a great American.


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