Maga Maggots, COCKROACHS it’s typical cowardice from your side. You only persecute the weak and the helpless poor immigrants you are virmins, DISPICABLE people and COWARDS, FROM YOUR TOP ALL THE DOWN. COW MANURES.
like you marxists did when arresting the 75 year old grandmother who is an american citizen for praying outside an abortion clinic! stop your hypocrasy!!! Man they have upped the number of trolls on all these sites after election….we know who you are……just by the stupidity of your words.
Do YOU shower with your kids like Biden did, Snookie??
Cry, cry, whimper and cry, it’s music to our ears, unlike the word salads and cacklings your D.E.I. failure spewed.
Where’s that $2 billion she spent, Ellen??
You are seriously brain-damaged. That thug was hardly a “helpless poor immigrant”. All of the thugs that are being arrested and deported right now are violent criminals. This particular thug already had 17 convictions. Perhaps you can join him back to Haiti as you appear to side with dangerous criminals over the safety of American citizens. As far as “helpless poor immigrants”, they broke the law by coming here illegally. There are proper ways, and always have been, to enter the US legally – through ports of entry. Potential immigrants need to be vetted, ensure that they are self-sufficient and not a drain on our resources meant for American citizens, etc. How many “poor immigrant” illegals did you put up in your own home to help them out? You rather just go around yelling “The sky is falling”. Many of the illegals crossing out borders aren’t even from Mexico, Central America or South America. They’re from the middle east and China that hate Americans and they have no good intentions. We have known terrorists that have slipped across the border that want to cause us harm. You die-hard illegal alien sympathizers are siding against America.
Elias loves being raped. she takes great joy in watching her family robbed and murdered. She delights in taxing others to pay for these scum to live in America. she is a very sick person.
You want these scum leeching off you, fine you pay for them. As long as you want me taxed to pay for these scum I get to say I want the gone and I am glad they are being rounded up.
By the way you are guilty of aiding and abetting murderers and rapists. You need to be hunted down and put in prison.
Please feel free to prove you believe the things you claim to believe in . end your carbon footprint today. end it completely and totally once and for all. end the carbon footprints of your parents, children and friends as well. Show us you actually believe the crap you spew.
Or is you climate change spewage just another line of BS out of you?
I’ve mentioned in other articles about this same thing that Haiti doesn’t want this pile of punk ass shit back and should just load the punk into a helicopter and at 3000 feet throw the shit out. You could join him since you’re sooooo compassionate about this worthless pile of hog shit. And if you think I’m a coward, look me up and we’ll find out, chickenshit.
Murdering , rapist , pedophiles, drug and child trafficking scum sucking assholes. Cartels , taking over neighborhoods. Dropping their brats here for citizenship. You should leave with them, go live in the cesspools they turned their countries into. You see any Doctors. lawyers, scientist, I.T . people, engineers crossing into America? No just leeches with no skills wanting welfare and criminals. Let them live with you. WE DON’T WANT THEM. They want to stand in line like millions before them and cross legally fine.Your a F.Idiot
Elias, you are too stupid for me to waste my time on. Illegal freeloaders are committing all sorts of crimes here. They’re raping and killing American women. (See: Laken Riley). They beat up police officers in NY City – and got away with it. They’re killing ducks, geese, and people’s pets in Springfield OH, and barbecuing them. I have no sympathy whatsoever for the illegal freeloaders.
Too bad the Army and the Marines don’t use the Flamethrower anymore. Could just send this punk shitbag down range while the soldiers/marines are training with the weapon. Then the punk would be cremated and wouldn’t have to waste time and effort burying him.
The Constitution restricts birthright citizenship to children born to “citizens or natralized citizens” of the U.S. How can illegal, unnaturalized, aliens qualify for this Constitutional guarantee? And more importantly, what deranged lunatic would ever claim that it did?
I read, a few yrs ago, about how many (1300) chinese woman flew into Miami that year to have their Babies. Now, I understand the need to have dual citizenship if you want to flee a country, but, I feel this is a long range plan against the USA. The program is being used to get BENIFITS and all our citizen’s privileges.
I would most definitely want to go to Mexico. If Mexico was like America. I show up at the border and get a free cell phone. Get a jet ride to whatever city I want to go to. Get set up in a place to live for free. Get my food stamps and medical for free. Work ha-ha-ha what`s that? The people getting food stamps and welfare here in the USA think they are entitled. The light is being shined on all of you grifters. This will soon end and it`s about time.
[…] the recipient of 17 criminal convictions and also believed to have been a Haitian gang leader – yelling out defiantly at his captors is priceless. Cuffed and sitting inside a police car, he looked at the […]
Tell him Tom, “You ARE going back to Haiti”. And Biden can’t protect you because he’s no longer “president”.
Maga Maggots, COCKROACHS it’s typical cowardice from your side. You only persecute the weak and the helpless poor immigrants you are virmins, DISPICABLE people and COWARDS, FROM YOUR TOP ALL THE DOWN. COW MANURES.
like you marxists did when arresting the 75 year old grandmother who is an american citizen for praying outside an abortion clinic! stop your hypocrasy!!! Man they have upped the number of trolls on all these sites after election….we know who you are……just by the stupidity of your words.
If the WEAK are out there commiting aggravated murder, rape and have as many as 17 felony convictions, plus Interpol warrants seeking their arrest, then they are obviously YOUR people. Take a look at this video and consider a mental ‘reset’.
Do YOU shower with your kids like Biden did, Snookie??
Cry, cry, whimper and cry, it’s music to our ears, unlike the word salads and cacklings your D.E.I. failure spewed.
Where’s that $2 billion she spent, Ellen??
Embrace the Horror, skippy!
The doctors are waiting to give you your enema, so your thinking won’t be so crappy.
You are seriously brain-damaged. That thug was hardly a “helpless poor immigrant”. All of the thugs that are being arrested and deported right now are violent criminals. This particular thug already had 17 convictions. Perhaps you can join him back to Haiti as you appear to side with dangerous criminals over the safety of American citizens. As far as “helpless poor immigrants”, they broke the law by coming here illegally. There are proper ways, and always have been, to enter the US legally – through ports of entry. Potential immigrants need to be vetted, ensure that they are self-sufficient and not a drain on our resources meant for American citizens, etc. How many “poor immigrant” illegals did you put up in your own home to help them out? You rather just go around yelling “The sky is falling”. Many of the illegals crossing out borders aren’t even from Mexico, Central America or South America. They’re from the middle east and China that hate Americans and they have no good intentions. We have known terrorists that have slipped across the border that want to cause us harm. You die-hard illegal alien sympathizers are siding against America.
Elias——this guy I a f-ing hardcore criminal, what is your problem.
I realize you are probably very low IQ, and probably a scumbag like this 3rd world scumbag.
You are next!
Elias loves being raped. she takes great joy in watching her family robbed and murdered. She delights in taxing others to pay for these scum to live in America. she is a very sick person.
You want these scum leeching off you, fine you pay for them. As long as you want me taxed to pay for these scum I get to say I want the gone and I am glad they are being rounded up.
By the way you are guilty of aiding and abetting murderers and rapists. You need to be hunted down and put in prison.
Please feel free to prove you believe the things you claim to believe in . end your carbon footprint today. end it completely and totally once and for all. end the carbon footprints of your parents, children and friends as well. Show us you actually believe the crap you spew.
Or is you climate change spewage just another line of BS out of you?
I’ve mentioned in other articles about this same thing that Haiti doesn’t want this pile of punk ass shit back and should just load the punk into a helicopter and at 3000 feet throw the shit out. You could join him since you’re sooooo compassionate about this worthless pile of hog shit. And if you think I’m a coward, look me up and we’ll find out, chickenshit.
Murdering , rapist , pedophiles, drug and child trafficking scum sucking assholes. Cartels , taking over neighborhoods. Dropping their brats here for citizenship. You should leave with them, go live in the cesspools they turned their countries into. You see any Doctors. lawyers, scientist, I.T . people, engineers crossing into America? No just leeches with no skills wanting welfare and criminals. Let them live with you. WE DON’T WANT THEM. They want to stand in line like millions before them and cross legally fine.Your a F.Idiot
If you are not here legally you are a criminal and therefore should be handled accordingly. Gone is the former administration that coddled criminals!
Elias, you are too stupid for me to waste my time on. Illegal freeloaders are committing all sorts of crimes here. They’re raping and killing American women. (See: Laken Riley). They beat up police officers in NY City – and got away with it. They’re killing ducks, geese, and people’s pets in Springfield OH, and barbecuing them. I have no sympathy whatsoever for the illegal freeloaders.
Get the Garbage out, send them home. We need to get America back, free loaders out.
Does that include bidens,clintons, obamas?
Shove those bags of shit down the garbage disposal and feed the remains to the hogs.
I say, just bury him.
Preferably alive.
Too bad the Army and the Marines don’t use the Flamethrower anymore. Could just send this punk shitbag down range while the soldiers/marines are training with the weapon. Then the punk would be cremated and wouldn’t have to waste time and effort burying him.
Deport Elias too, Tom.
Just a drag on society.
The Constitution restricts birthright citizenship to children born to “citizens or natralized citizens” of the U.S. How can illegal, unnaturalized, aliens qualify for this Constitutional guarantee? And more importantly, what deranged lunatic would ever claim that it did?
I read, a few yrs ago, about how many (1300) chinese woman flew into Miami that year to have their Babies. Now, I understand the need to have dual citizenship if you want to flee a country, but, I feel this is a long range plan against the USA. The program is being used to get BENIFITS and all our citizen’s privileges.
I agree. Pregnant bimbos coming in here to pop their kids IS a long range plan against America.
send the POS oscummer with him
Why aren`t they talking about chained Migration? This citizen`s birthright feeds right into this.
I would most definitely want to go to Mexico. If Mexico was like America. I show up at the border and get a free cell phone. Get a jet ride to whatever city I want to go to. Get set up in a place to live for free. Get my food stamps and medical for free. Work ha-ha-ha what`s that? The people getting food stamps and welfare here in the USA think they are entitled. The light is being shined on all of you grifters. This will soon end and it`s about time.
[…] the recipient of 17 criminal convictions and also believed to have been a Haitian gang leader – yelling out defiantly at his captors is priceless. Cuffed and sitting inside a police car, he looked at the […]