Sure freddie has. he plays pocket pool constantly. Freddie is just a whinny childish loser leftist who hasn’t figured out being a leftist isn’t cool anymore.
Well you sound treasonous. You sound like you are threatening the president of the USA. I hope the secret service tracks you down and arrests you. In fact treason is a hanging offense so I hope they do that lifting hanging instead of the drop hanging. That way we can all rate your air dance and throw tomatoes at you while you die. Yup Die is the same three letters that you love so much.
By the Way Fred. you are also trying to destroy democracy. why? because trump is doing exactly what the majority of Americans voted for. You lose sucker. I am collecting rotten tomatoes for your air dance show.
Fuck you Hollywood
What an asshole trump is. Should be in jail or in a casket either one would make me happy.
How about you make us all happy and YOU go in the casket, freddie fag.
Freddie hasn’t figured out his gender yet.
Sure freddie has. he plays pocket pool constantly. Freddie is just a whinny childish loser leftist who hasn’t figured out being a leftist isn’t cool anymore.
Pocket pool? Oh, come on, man! Freddie has an orgy every night with Rosie Palm and her 5 sisters.
A HUGE prick would make you happy.
Well you sound treasonous. You sound like you are threatening the president of the USA. I hope the secret service tracks you down and arrests you. In fact treason is a hanging offense so I hope they do that lifting hanging instead of the drop hanging. That way we can all rate your air dance and throw tomatoes at you while you die. Yup Die is the same three letters that you love so much.
By the Way Fred. you are also trying to destroy democracy. why? because trump is doing exactly what the majority of Americans voted for. You lose sucker. I am collecting rotten tomatoes for your air dance show.