Bombshell COVID Report Reveals Potential CDC and FDA Coverups



News flash::: Congress discovers what most reasonable people knew from the beginning.

Shout out to the non jabbed !!!!! you did not bend, did not fold and did not break.


    • Agreed. I did get the shot. Was I wrong? No. At the time I had to weigh the consequences. I am older. Have some medical conditions. I suspected something, when the mandates started coming. People were threatened they would be kicked out of the military. People could not work. Schools closed. Fauci said we may not be able to shake hands. Kids were least likely to get sick, but were coerced into getting the shot, forced to wear masks in school, and threatened in some cases, to be punished, and kicked out of school. Then the essential nonsense. Gyms and libraries were counted as nonessential. Not all people had access to a computer or laptop. Looking for work, communication with family and friends, and seeing what was actually happening. Then the guilt trip. Biden Administration, and others were basing this on Science. Only twenty five people were short term tested. Invermectin and Hydroxechlroquin were shot down. Despite being effective in the past. Safer. The fact other doctors are much smarter than Fauci, and not being allowed to make their own determination. Anyone speaking against this was deemed dangerous, misinformation, and if they do not get the vaccine, then they should be shunned. Trump was blamed. Despite Trump sending a ship, doctors, masks, vaccines, tests, beds, and other things to New York. While Cuomo was bragging about his book, and sending people into Nursing Homes. Then no one was allowed to leave. Trump called it a China Virus and was criticized by many, even the Hate News. The only ones that exposed this were NewsMax, The First News, and The IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters. With facts and evidence. These would also expose January 6, lies about George Floyd, the DOJ and FBI, and hiding Hunter’s Laptop just before the 2020 Election. Hillary lying, while destroying laptops, phone records, and other evidence which proved she was pushing and paying others. The nerve to call MAGA a threat. Deplorable. Biden mishandling and reckless with documents, while telling 60 Minutes he could not believe how irresponsible Trump was. There is much more. No questions allowed to be asked. And then schools and colleges using their professors and teacher’s to push DEI, CRT, Woke, and transgenderism, and child sex changes as a good thing. Men in women’s sports, locker rooms, showers. There is more. But my hand hurts.

      • Excellent post.
        Fauci did try to cover up the obvious lab leak. Did Fauci forget the emails & text between he & his buddies?
        Mask & 6-feet rule are not based on science. Airborne virus can easily float 20-30 feet inside as air currents carry the virus.
        I think the most serious crime was cover-up of effective early treatments. Never saw anything like this in my 30+ years in healthcare. Doctors threatened if they prescribed well known meds with decades of safe use & antiviral properties. There was ZERO early treatment but Fauci’s expensive med was pushed on hospital patients in serious condition with low success rate.
        How many lives lost because of no early treatment?

  1. So now that you have proof of these cover ups and lies, what are you going to do about it!!! There are never any consequncies for the those in the deep state!!!

  2. Well I wonder what all those stupid leftists think of their shots, masks, and social distancing now.

    leftists are dumb asses

  3. “Science”, aka Tony Fauchi, demanded us all to get the vaccine, wear face diapers and stay six feet apart. “Science” also ruled, that we couldn’t visit our dying relatives or attend their funerals. Yet, “science” also said it was just fine for blm and antifa to burn down cities and protest in the streets. This murderer must be procecuted.

  4. With Trump in and a Republican Congress, there will be an accounting of this travesty that was fostered on the American people. We deserve it.


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