BLM Sparks OUTRAGE As They Call For RIOTS Over Daniel Penny Verdict



I’m in my 50s and I didn’t see this craziness until Obama came onto the scene.

These people are nuts. Penny should ABSOLUTELY go free. Facts over feelings.


  1. When god asked these heathens if they wanted brains, they thought he said trains? And said they didn’t need any! Law and order mean nothing to them.

    • the 13.3% will start dying more in the near future. WE have had it with you. Burn what you want up north, in the blue cities & states. Don’t come down here. WE can legally run over you, IF you block the highway…

  2. BLM is dead. NObody gives a sht. It worked once and the leaders of this farce built themselves mansions. It WONT work again. We don’t care. You are irrelevant if you base your entire perspective on being black. You are an American first and if you don’t like, it with all its programs and freebies for you, then hop a ship or get an airline ticket to a place where everyone looks like you. There is an entire continent and Im sure ya’ll finna be welcome there.

  3. It is simple. Call all the BLM protesters insurrectionists and arrest them all. Toss them in prison for two years before trial.

  4. If pol-eece put down a Black serial thug, Blacks riot, loot and cause mayhem.

    If the police put down a White, serial thug, WE celebrate and thank the police.

  5. Some seem to think this is new…remember watts in the 60’s as well as Rodney King. I never really understood why destroying ur own neighborhood was a smart move.

  6. As soon as BLM starts their shit they should be shut down immediately! Never mind giving these slobs any chance to start with rioting and destroying properties and businesses along with injuries or death to others. No more of this George Floyd nonsense as we know it was an excuse to do whatever they wanted and not pay the price for their crimes. None of them got jail time but the January 6th people did and still are in jail. What kind of shit is this? I hope a pardon comes for ALL January 6th protesters.

    • Too cold for riot season. They are only into ” Restorative Justice” if the weather be good. BLM has been shown that they believe themselves to be ” Black Aristocracy ” with a mandate to tell black people to work against their own self interests, ( most of the passengers on the Subway car in question Were ” Non-White “.

  7. If “they” want to call for rioting…….

    Can we call for “citizen reactions” to counter them…..forcefully.

    Tired of these crazy racist Ns.

  8. All of these worthless trees in a silverbacks and white trash Communist child molesters should be put to death when they start destroying buildings. If they do not have the money to pay to rebuild, there’s no sense in letting these worthless illegal Communist destroy America. And several buildings that cost the great American patriots.Tax dollars to rebuild for the zero brain functwon’t you put these worthless fucks and mass graves piece for all

  9. I grew up on the streets of LA, California. I am a caucasian male who made believers out of these people. They finally gave up trying to intimidate me and made a friend out of me. They nicknamed me the white prince. I never started any trouble I never ran away from it either. This man brought the problems on all by himself. Previous history can point to the division Obama created in this country.

  10. Jordon Neely’s Father and Mother should be ashamed of themselves. For trying to profit off the death of their son. In bringing the wrongful death case against Mr. Penny… They would not help their son when he was amongst the living. and now that he is dead they want money for a better life for themselves. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on them….

    • They profited off the son’s life by having him to get a bigger welfare check. Now that Jordon is a dead adult, no more welfare check. That’s the REAL reason his worthless parents are suing Penny. These idiot jackoffs are too stupid to realize that it’s a civil case and if they won, all Penny has to do is file bankruptcy on the lawsuit and Jordon’s parents get nothing.

  11. I think Alvin or fat Albert should be disbarred and not allowed to practice law because he makes up laws as he goes and has proven he hates blonde , blue eyed men ..look at what he illegally tried to do to Trump..just a big lard azz want-a-be

  12. I think Alvin or fat Albert should be disbarred and not allowed to practice law because he makes up laws as he goes and has proven he hates blonde , blue eyed men ..look at what he illegally tried to do to Trump..just a big lard azz want-a-be…he gives black people a bad name

  13. These folks need to be arrested for inciting mass violence and hate speech. Where is the law when it is needed. Yes, there is a two tiered justice system and it is very obvious that these folks are being allowed to get away with behavior that would land the rest of us in jail. Law enforcement has their pictures so there is no excuse for them not to be arrested for their incitement NOW!!!!

  14. I thought that Joe Bidet voyage to Africa with the disbursement of 1 billion was in exchange to expatriate 20 millions of USA blacks to the original countries of the ancestors lived.
    My mistake… Sorry…


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