Bill Maher EXPLODES as Scientist DESTROYS His Favorite Talking Point



The problem is that the ones complaining about co2 the most are the ones who are using private plane’s, fancy cars, and using the most co2

One bullshit talking point after another that they knew was false. He’s just described the Democrat crime syndicate.


    • The FCC is “owned” by the leftists. They do what they’re told to do in return for favors. The good old quid pro quo that they accuse the conservatives of. The leftists can say whatever they want as long as they’re pro Dem.

  1. Hey Hey 👋
    MORE HOLY MOLY SHIT 💩 for All of AMERICA 🇺🇸 and the rest of the World 🗺️ That is REALLY Good and FREE 🆓 From The Evil 😈 Embrace of PUTIN and His Love For TRUMP 💩🤮😱✅

      • Easy! Putin is smart. He knows when he says he endorses Putin, the dummies will vote for the orange turd. Trump will get on his knees to satisfy his Commie idol. Show me one time where Trump has EVER said one bad word about the Communist asassin? Putin could snap his fingers, and Trump would hand him Ukraine.

        • Just Google “Putin endorsed Kamala” and it will list several sources to choose from. A few say he’s joking but most do not. Kamala is controllable. I had it my emails a few days ago but I don’t save my emails once I’ve read them so I don’t know exactly what that source was.

  2. Bill Maher doesn’t realize that the democrats have been screaming and fear mongering regarding the climate for the last 100 years. He also doesn’t understand how most of the false data the leftists/democrats use is collected. They tend to pick and choose which data they like, from cities and use that. Science says that you have to explain ALL of the DATA, not just some of it. If you don’t, then it is just meaningless noise. Maher also doesn’t listen to the scientist who knows what he is talking about. That makes Maher stupid.

    • Yes, the MAGAts don’t recognize the severe climate change. More hurricanes, floods, tornadoes. Record heat and cold spells. Neither does Trump. Flush the orange turd again. At least the Dems are trying to do something.

  3. The primary driver of the current warming cycle is the tectonic shearing in the South Pacific ( See the formation of Hunga Tonga, a submerged volcano that has thrust out of the same seam that New Zealand rose from tens of million of ears ago.) Within recorded Human history draughts in Sub Saharan Africa and Central/ South America have been brought on by this specific system. 74,000 years ago the Toba Super volcano dropped the Earths atmospheric temperature down 7 degrees Centigrade for decades. Humans are NOT the main driver of climate change.

    • Be happy that the government is doing whatever they can to prevent disasters. It’s about 25 years ago that you couldn’t breathe the air in PHX or LA or other cities because of vehicle smog. Without government stepping in back then we would have much shorter life spans.

  4. Let’s note a few of Obama’s accomplishments: The Affordable Care Act, the killing of Osama Bin Laden, Marriage Equality, and the US coming out of the recession. Trying to think of any of Trump’s. Anything? Anybody?

  5. Notice how Bill saw his Climate Change talking points go into the drain and tried to distract or change the subject to save his own backside. Then he would interrupt and bring up some other topic when he saw his own BS ideas on the issue was being taken apart. He is Controlled and he can’t allow a person that Knows the facts to show them to the people. All in all, he’s just a Puppet like JUDAS Biden and Kamrade Harris are today. Sad.

  6. Just heard Fox News host Howard Kurtz say he couldn’t defend Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump after seeing how badly that the former president often “slips into lunacy.” “Often” is taking it lightly. Trump is a ranting raving imbecile since suffering from early dementia.


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