Biden FREEZES as Reporters GRILL HIM on California Wildfire Response



The people in California should not receive any more money and aid than the people of North Carolina

they give illegal immigrants more than i make and i worked and paid taxes my whole life


    • Is there a way or will he continue for his remaining <5 days to destroy everything in his path? There should be a way to stop him if it's destructive to America otherwise several ex-presidents would have destroyed our way of life on their way out. Not a peep from Democrat "leaders" so I guess it's OK with them.

  1. The state of California should be given no money whatsoever, as their government has proven itself to be corrupt and has a way of making funding disappear with nothing to show for it. ALL relief to California needs to be handled by FEMA (under President Trump, not Jackass Joe). The last thing the victims of these horrendous fires need is a windfall handed to Gavin Newscum to do with as he pleases.

  2. Our “lame duck” should NOT be making any more decisions on ANYTHING! Bidet only has a few days left, and is not of “sound mind”, so therefore should not be giving out lollipops to anyone that thinks they deserve one.

  3. It’s way past time for Californians to have some type of meeting and split the state in half, East California and West California. Incompetent bastards are running the whole state, but they are elected mostly by the Marxist puke faces that live on the coast. The people in the eastern part of the state will be taxed to death to pay for a dumb shit mayor’s incompetence along with Newshit’s incompetence. Then those diarrhea brain head will try to pawn the bill onto the rest of the country. I feel for the working class who lost everything, but when rich Hollywood actors cry about their loses, I have NO sympathy. They are the ones who lead the fight and help the incompetent dummycrats get into power and those actors that did lose their homes with no fire insurance, they still have the assets to start over and many of them have an extra “vacation” home in a different location. The feds should offer a program where anyone WORKING CLASS people who want to re-locate out of California will be given assistance for a home and job in a RED state, which ONE requirement, they HAVE to vote republican for the next 12 years. That will stop dummycrats from relocating to red states for the sole purpose of turning them blue.

  4. It’s probably because, everyone in office has made, many of dollars under joey, thus another reason to not trust anyone in politics. 🤮

  5. Can somebody why are we giving our taxpayers money to Ukraine when our people in north Carolina and CA .are having catastrophic problems? You also need different leaders I. CA

  6. Ukraine is shitpants Joe’s cash cow. They have priority over everything else. Then, the people of North Carolina got over the shock of their disaster and started cleaning up the mess and begin the rebuilding process. Californians just sit and cry and despite the warnings about more catastrophy coming next week, they still sit and cry then blame the problem on everyone and everything instead of pulling themselves together.


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