Biden Demands You Stop Talking About Weather Weapons



Why did Tennessee pass a law banning weather modification jets and chemtrails over their states?

You know your “Conspiracy Theory” is correct when the government officially denies it…


  1. Hidenbiden u need to stfu, u don’t know what your talking about, your disinformation is the problem, not ours. U are no longer the chief pal, so go back to the basement, so u can’t cause anymore

  2. Do a search on “cloud seeding”. There are 8 states using cloud seeding to cause rain or snow. The US has ski resorts paying for cloud seeding to make snow. I have concerns over the chemicals used in cloud seeding and the long term implications to the environment and to humans. One of the chemicals used causes thyroid problems. So Biden is talking out of his hat again. There is also an increase in HAARP locations, but I have been unable to convince myself that heating up the ionosphere is used only for solar flares and if it does not cause climate change warming or alterations to the lower atmosphere, even though it is stimulating the ionosphere.

    I think the problem is not having the right question to ask the right person. What we do know is that when someone comes out denying involvement, it is possible they can, they would, and it is not for you to know. All government funded experiments should be reviewed and when potential harm to the population is a possibility, shut it down. I believe the scientific community will do and say anything to protect their grants.

  3. Anybody or anything is better than buffoon Trump! Too bad that Trump was such a horseshit president, but Americans were smart enough to flush the orange turd ASAP. Now he is just a demented senile old fool who babbles nonsense and insults everyone, including Republicans who disagree with anything he says. No wonder 18 of his former cabinet members are supporting Harris. They know him best.

  4. Trump proved that he was totally ignorant about economics and foreign affairs. He gave HUGE tax breaks to millionaires and added 8 TRILLION dollars to the national debt after promising to balance the budget. Since he got dumped businesses are booming, stock markets have DOUBLED, oil production is the highest in the world, unemployment is at a low. Thank Christ Trump didn’t get a chance to turn the USA into a 3rd world shithole country.


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