Joe Biden DEMANDS Trump BE LOCKED UP As Kamala Harris SPIRALS After CONFRONTED On Biden’s Mental Decline



And these clowns say trump will weaponise the justice system hypocrites

Im a Democrat that VOTED for TRUMP today!


  1. Harris is so stupid that Biden is starting to look better, but I would never vote for either they are a complete mess!!! TRUMP/VANCE 2024!!!!

    • barry boy obama’s VP was more stupid than him. Joe Obiden’s VP is also more stupid than him. do you see a pattern? IT is called socialism, not democracy. degeneration, degradation, self destruction. Choose to NOT participate, FREE yourself AND your state. prepare for the chaos & resist the evil ones

    • socialist will never arrest other socialist. The socialist were NEVER defeated by playing “patty cake” with them. They must be eliminated or banished from your shores. YOU must free yourself, and your state

  2. I’m a woman. I believe in voting for the best person for the job, not their gender. My opinion is that Donald Trump is that person. The last four years have made us the weakest nation we have ever been. We need a president that will actually put America first and make us the strong and vital nation we once were. I pray for his safety every day. GO TRUMP!

    • any “pubic serpent” that takes an oath to We the People, cashes their paycheck and then violates their oath, should be arrested for fraud and punished accordingly. THAT would be called justice. THAT would stop the corruption in socialist Amerika. Restore the republic that was destroyed in 1865. Make men & states FREE AGAIN !

  3. The news media is one of the biggest threats to our country. Kamal Toe & Tampon Tim are the biggest threat. Can you just imagine this demonic evil duo on the world stage. Sad to say but ignorant uninformed white women will come out in mass to vote for this duo as well as millions upon millions of illegals. The white women also will be the first group to blubber and cry when their s*** gets worse, which the whole country will fail massively. If anyone thinks the past has been bad, believe me, it will look like a cake walk. Pray, pray for our great country that our country does not go full blown Communist in November.

    • Apparently, you have no respect for women, excuse me, WHITE WOMEN. Does your mother know that. Just because I’m a woman, it doesn’t mean I’m stupid. I don’t blubber and cry when I don’t get my way, and l won’t vote for a woman just because she’s a woman. I AM NOT VOTING FOR CACKLING COMMIE. Do I make myself clear?


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