Arrests Made in Deadly DC Plane Crash!



The I.D. was kept a secret until they could scrub her social media.

That helicopter rammed directly into the airliner just like it was purely intentional, that is the weirdest accident ever


  1. Leaking the truth to the American people can get a person arrested? Shows the Marxist dummycrats ain’t done, yet. Keep fighting, MAGA! The war ain’t over, yet.

  2. Wild 🐕 DOG. Every sane citizen and human being in America know that MAGA MAGGOTS ARE CRAZY LUNATICS RACISTS, AND also most people around the 🌎 WORLD Know that also. Calling the Democrats Marxist shows your utter ignorance.You don’t know what a Marxist is even if it hits you in the ASS. IN A WAR, WE THE DEMOCRATS ALWAYS WIN BECAUSE WE ARE THE SANE ADULTS BIG ENOUGH TO CONTAIN SOME TEMPORARY CRAZY CHARACTERS LIKE HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY AND HIS CULT FOLLOWERS LIKE YOU DIPSHIT.

    • I’ve read your rant over three times and have yet to discover a single intelligent thought being conveyed. You express yourself like a pre-pubescent child, and appear to have some serious mental issues. I’m surprised that Soros keeps you on the payroll – you’re particularly dull, even for a leftist.

    • Wow, are you ever a mad election loser. It’s probably because of your severe TDS. You know you can get help for that, don’t you? It is available. You should check it out before you get yourself in trouble because of the anger you are holding.

    • I know more about Marxism then you’ll ever know. But if you think Marxism is so great, then go live in North Korea, dumbass. Your dummycrat party is run by Marxist, the squad even admits they’re socialist, which IS a form of Marxism. In a war you dummycrats win?!!! Why did you LOSE the Viet Nam War. Your dummycrat buddy, LBJ was running that war and needlessly killed over 50,000 Americans. And how do you expect to win any war without guns, you anti 2nd amendment queer. Look in a mirror and you’ll see what a crazy dipshit looks like, stupid.

    • That’s what happened in the socialist (Marxist) schools. They’ve turned history upside down and you don’t know the truth. The total truth will come out so hang onto your seat. You will find out the real truth of what your heroes tried to do to America. It is and will all come out and many of you will be in denial even as the truth is too much to deny. I notice this is a forum that you visit frequently perhaps because you have no coherent, intelligent communication on the lefty side. BTW, much of your rhetoric is pretty juvenile. MAGA!

  3. DUMBASSCRATS such as little Elias do not win anything. They have to CHEAT to win!!

    Anyone agree??

  4. Biden Administration is racist. DEI, Woke, CRT, are all race based. I have many different friends of different races. They disagree. Even calling some blacks racist because they do not follow his crazy policies. Most people around the world. Have you talked to most people around the world? Biden/Harris Administration started the white supremacy nonsense. Why wasn’t Biden, Harris, Obama helping the black neighborhoods? Biden has been shown in past interviews to have racist views. Look it up. I have been trying to help at least one person a day for 40+ years. Black, Hispanic, white, Asian. Does not matter to me. So I am racist. No. Your world view is wrong. Trump did more good in two weeks, than Biden/Harris Administration did in four plus years. That is why Trump won this election. Mainstream Media and The View are hateful and lie. The First News, NewsMax, and IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters are fact based. Check it out. Even shows proof how the 2020 Election was bogus. NVRA reported 36,000+ unregistered votes counted. Another 67,000+ promised to be taken off of voter rolls. And 76,000+ that were two state votes, deceased, or other discrepancies. The NVRA requires at least every two years voting rolls to be cleaned up. Most ignored or reported less than five. So much for the most secure election. The lies about Trump with Russia, paid by Hillary, her destroying hard drives, laptops, phone records, all show part of the nonsense. January 6 lies. January 6 Committee also destroyed their laptops, hard drives, phone records, etc. They also lied about border. Millions of illegal immigrants, some with criminal records. FBI hiding all the corruption on Hunter’s laptop. Conveniently before the 2020 Election. Mainstream Media just goes along. No good.

    • Why hasn’t the Jan. 6 committee been charged with tampering with evidence, along with Hitlery from 2016? Why aren’t the voter rolls cleaned up each year? Why aren’t those found cheating with the voter rolls charged? Etc., etc. – there’s no teeth behind the rules and the laws so they continue to happen.

  5. Those voting issues were in Washington D.C. alone. Think of all other states. Where is the reporting on that? Abortion is another issue. The lady prays outside an abortion clinic, and gets arrested. Abortion is murder. BLM, Antifa, Proud Boys burn businesses, kill and injure civilians and Police. So much for the Democracy. Some bailed out by Harris and others. What in the world. Everything these Democrats did was incompetent. And yet Trump is the problem. Trump gets shot at. Twice. Where is the media? Again only The First News, NewsMax, and The Verdict and IMPRIMIS Newsletters show, with evidence, the facts.

  6. ELIAR is a truly unbalanced individual! Everything he accuses the right of committing is being done by his own Marxist party! He’s as demented as his departed Pervert-in-Chief! Just hope he has no rug rats to carry on his insanity! I don’t think its got through to him yet, his Marxist party LOST the war with Trump!

    • Yes, Elias is unbalanced. He still watches/listens to/reads leftist propaganda. Accusing the conservatives that follow the law, while the leftists are breaking the law, is their modus operandi. That’s why they keep breaking the law – they get away with it. The left has owned the justice system for a while, even during President Trump’s first term because many of the appointed “lawmakers” were traitors. Hopefully, the day of justice has arrived. Anyone that continues to vote RINOs back in are not true Republicans and want the continued status quo.


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