AOC LEFT SPEECHLESS After Ben Carson DESTROYS Her With Brutal Criticism



Is Ben Carson even awake.? If this woman’ spent 10 years working on the problem at the FHA how come she didn’t fix it she talks a lot of crap but apparently she never got anything done.

AOC tries to take on Carson? What was she thinking? AOC attempting to take on Carson is like an Ant trying to overpower an Ant Eater.


  1. This girl is out of her league! I bet Dr Ben Carson is a better bartender than AOC! I went in her bar several years ago. I asked her for a “Vodka and Orange Juice”. She asked me, “What’s in it?
    Glad I didn’t ask her for a Screwdriver! She would have set a toolbox up on the bar and asked me to point it out. And she get’s paid $174,000 a year for a part-time job? I hope Musk and Ramaswamy look at government pay scales. They need to be revamped! Big-time!

    • Dr. Ben Carson is a brain surgeon. AOC is definitely out of her league. “If I only had a brain.” Part of the revamping should include Congress can’t give themselves a raise anymore. They have to earn it. If they get re-elected, they get a raise, once a percentage has been established.

  2. Roger, I agree with you. Blinken is a lying turd. Both he and Bidet should be charged with treason. I would say AOC is more than a little bit out of her league to take on Dr Carson. It’s like having a child take on Einstein.

    • You are correct Jan Army Vet accept no matter who it takes on it will still be a child doing it. My dog would make her look like a child.

  3. Yet people keep electing the same clueless, lazy, overpaid people. Most have no clue of actually helping people. It’s all about the position, and making people look bad that do not agree with the nonsense. Recently the Democrats and others, including the Mainstream unreliable News challenged Pete Hegseth as not being qualified. Or tried to bring up something from his past. Compare that to the people that have been incompetent the past four years and before. Biden has destroyed this country at the border, inflation, foreign policy, and crime here. Harris has done nothing to help Americans. Pelosi seems to be a lifetime alcoholic. She seems drunk every time she speaks. Schumer does not allow different ideas according to people that work for him. Some of them never had Leadership Training. Reflects in their behavior. Loyalty, Honor, Integrity, Self-less Service, Personal Courage, Discipline, Respect. These are Army Values. There are others that the Air Force, Marines, and Navy use. Also, if you are not willing to do something, do not tell your subordinates to do it. That doesn’t mean you know everything. People are good at different things. Putting people down constantly is not good practice. Destroys morale, trust, and confidence. To many politicians, bureaucrats, including this administration, do not show any of these values. So how in the heck can they be in that position? Know someone, part of the establishment, or are part of the party. Never struggled to appreciate the role given. Garland, Fauci, Mayorkas, Pelosi, Schumer, MConell, Blinken, Buttieg, Walters, Tallib, Pressley, Omar, to name a few. Lockdowns, forced masks and vaccines, threatening people and even arresting them.


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