Chuck Schumer Was NOT Supposed to Say This to Whoopi Goldberg on The View!



The View should have been canceled long ago

Narcissism is what she means by empathy.


  1. It`s getting to the point where the Government is no different from the forking Mafia. I own my own business between the local state and the Federal Government. I end up giving them 1/3 of everything I can dream up. In the old days, you could raise a family on that.

  2. So if you could clarify that, are you trying to say that in the last couple weeks under Trump this is what happened or are you saying this has been going on for the last four years under the Democrats?

  3. I have NO empathy for dummycrats. They are out to screw people out of THEIR money so the dummycrats can get rich by embezzling from the taxpayers. It has nothing to do with paying taxes, it has everything to do with flat out ripping the taxpayers off! Why are dummycrat politicians so rich when they claim they’re poor first going to Washington DC, then in a few years they become multi-millionaires on a LOW 6 figure salary? Then there’s the fact that Oboob bragged about how many government workers he hired to prevent the unemployment numbers from looking so bad, but a large number of those employees are getting paid for NOT going to work. But the US Military, which are government employees, get paid poverty wages to risk their life defending this country and they HAVE to show up for work. But since Upchuck Schumer thinks the government is entitled, meaning the dummycrat party, to a citizen’s hard-earned money, then why do we have unsafe bridges and paved roads that are so rough it’s better to drive on gravel roads? That’s the government’s responsibly to take care of infrastructure. Why aren’t shit like Upchuck getting the infrastructure repaired? And then there’s the fact that the dummycrats have been borrowing money, robbing, Social Security since the mid 1960s and have made NO attempt to pay any of that money back, plus the fact that than those dummycrat fuckfaces want to tax Social Security income which was already taxed back when that person was younger working a job. Upchuck Schumer is just pile of worthless puke! As for the Ellen on the View, why don’t YOU move to England like your buddy, like the other slutty Ellen, did?


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