If the Department of Education is so important then why have American schools gotten worse since its inception?
My wife and I are public school teachers…we sent our children to private school because we both know ‘how the sausage is made.’ Randi taught for 6 years and knows nothing about education. She makes over 1/2 a million a year to be a democratic shill and has done nothing but hurt education. This woman has no shame.
The teacher’s union is a dirty joke being played on the students and their parents. It’s all about mind control and not education.
America’s schools lag way behind the rest of the civilized world.
D.E.I. has its consequences.
I was lucky to be a student in the early 1960s to 1974. Most of my elementary school teachers were from the “ greatest generation”, taught civics, math, English, social studies. High school had a few ex-military Vietnam Veterans, one I had was a lieutenant & didn’t take any crap from the students. Once I saw him take a boy out to the hall & gave them a lesson in manners. Needless to say, it didn’t happen again in his classroom. I’m thankful I was out before the feds took over the US education system. Hopefully things will go back to how it was, teaching, not indoctrination.