Accidents will happen, and I’m glad no damage was done, but this definitely needs to be discussed by the SS. They’ve covered all the big, obvious angles, but they’ve let the small stuff slide.
She should have said I apologize Mr. President. I didn’t hear one. Who is this women? No one should be that close to President Trump. Who knows what was on that mic. Whatever it takes, at least six feet away or more for reporters.
Many people still have the Trump Syndrome. It’s spread like Covid. Close contact must be stopped. And to think some keep saying Trump is a threat. So millions of illegals taking American taxpayer money, without their consent, and used to house, educate, food, clothing, medical treatment, and other resources is ok! Only a Socialist,Communist, anti common sense person would think and do that. Maybe they can stay in your house, eat your food, drive your car to their job, wear your clothing, or take your money to buy their own, using your Health Insurance and Dental Insurance to make their lives better. Obviously the devil has taken over their minds. If you Pray in Jesus Name. Repent. Get Baptized. Then God gives the Holy Spirit for understanding, otherwise you are lost, and cannot enter Heaven. Then go out and tell everyone you know. This body is temporary. Cemeteries are full. The Soul is eternal. Heaven or hell. Your choice. Faith over fear. Good over evil. God over the devil. It works.
It was probably done on purpose since everyone, including Trump, knows 90% of the media are Marxist.
Absolutely ridiculous!
Accidents will happen, and I’m glad no damage was done, but this definitely needs to be discussed by the SS. They’ve covered all the big, obvious angles, but they’ve let the small stuff slide.
they should have shoved it up his nose
TDS – You need to get on some meds
No, it wouldn’t fit, but it would ft up yours.
Is that because you had it in your anus?
She should have said I apologize Mr. President. I didn’t hear one. Who is this women? No one should be that close to President Trump. Who knows what was on that mic. Whatever it takes, at least six feet away or more for reporters.
Many people still have the Trump Syndrome. It’s spread like Covid. Close contact must be stopped. And to think some keep saying Trump is a threat. So millions of illegals taking American taxpayer money, without their consent, and used to house, educate, food, clothing, medical treatment, and other resources is ok! Only a Socialist,Communist, anti common sense person would think and do that. Maybe they can stay in your house, eat your food, drive your car to their job, wear your clothing, or take your money to buy their own, using your Health Insurance and Dental Insurance to make their lives better. Obviously the devil has taken over their minds. If you Pray in Jesus Name. Repent. Get Baptized. Then God gives the Holy Spirit for understanding, otherwise you are lost, and cannot enter Heaven. Then go out and tell everyone you know. This body is temporary. Cemeteries are full. The Soul is eternal. Heaven or hell. Your choice. Faith over fear. Good over evil. God over the devil. It works.