That is the modus operandi of all democrats. They steal tax payer dollars to make themselves millionaires. And, unfortunately there have been no consequences. Lock them all up and return the money to the American tax payer.
Please explain why these crooks and criminals continue to skate away free despite all the lies, thefts and deceit against Americans. AOC stole the tips of her co-workers, and now she’s stealing Taxpayer dollars. Hello?
IT is called socialism (laws FOR thee (slaves), but NOT for me (gov’t.) Then there is the other cause, IT is the beings, formerly called “men”. They have been emasculated and neutered. They have no spine or any knowledge of what the 2nd amendment was written for (tyranny). A gun is WORTHLESS to a coward. A coward is worthless to himself, his family or his neighbor. socialist Amerika is going down. IT will not be pretty. Refuse to be a victim, BE A VICTOR. Live to fight another day…. DEO VINDICE
When it comes to cheating people out of their money, I’m sure AOC did this to her “customers” (johns) when she worked in the back room, the one with the mattress on the floor, at the bar in New York. Stands to reason with her experience she’d do it in DC.
That is the modus operandi of all democrats. They steal tax payer dollars to make themselves millionaires. And, unfortunately there have been no consequences. Lock them all up and return the money to the American tax payer.
Please explain why these crooks and criminals continue to skate away free despite all the lies, thefts and deceit against Americans. AOC stole the tips of her co-workers, and now she’s stealing Taxpayer dollars. Hello?
IT is called socialism (laws FOR thee (slaves), but NOT for me (gov’t.) Then there is the other cause, IT is the beings, formerly called “men”. They have been emasculated and neutered. They have no spine or any knowledge of what the 2nd amendment was written for (tyranny). A gun is WORTHLESS to a coward. A coward is worthless to himself, his family or his neighbor. socialist Amerika is going down. IT will not be pretty. Refuse to be a victim, BE A VICTOR. Live to fight another day…. DEO VINDICE
When it comes to cheating people out of their money, I’m sure AOC did this to her “customers” (johns) when she worked in the back room, the one with the mattress on the floor, at the bar in New York. Stands to reason with her experience she’d do it in DC.