Scutt jennings ,
quit,…. giving,…. that liberal,…. radical,…. trash,…. a platform !
I saw that CRAP, on video replay on youboob, complete with the Worthless english illiterate AI narrator, with a british accent, and it was still worse than driving through A car wash with the windows down, everyone was talking over everyone, NO one had a cogent argument,….
AND NOT ONE, had ANY common Sense,….
and non had any manners, especially that square faced little girl, all of that talking over each other really, Freaks out the AI speech to text which I need due to hearing issues at my age,…. and radical leftists with a poor education and no manners,…. just tend to piss me off anyway.
Scott, there are better places to work. Tell CNN to takt their job and shove it.
Would this women defend the Kkk
Not a citizen and fomenting hatred? Then he has no rights here.
Scutt jennings ,
quit,…. giving,…. that liberal,…. radical,…. trash,…. a platform !
I saw that CRAP, on video replay on youboob, complete with the Worthless english illiterate AI narrator, with a british accent, and it was still worse than driving through A car wash with the windows down, everyone was talking over everyone, NO one had a cogent argument,….
AND NOT ONE, had ANY common Sense,….
and non had any manners, especially that square faced little girl, all of that talking over each other really, Freaks out the AI speech to text which I need due to hearing issues at my age,…. and radical leftists with a poor education and no manners,…. just tend to piss me off anyway.