Ellen DeGeneres POSTS This Cryptic APOLOGY Video ….WHY???



*Hello All!!! Maybe someone can explain to me just what in the HECK Ellen is talking about in this video!!! Someone really needs to check on her!!!*

If you don’t know what to say, shut up and stop bothering us.


  1. How noble of her, speaking up for those who don’t have a voice. Unfortunately, she’s been speaking up for the WRONG people. During the past four years of America’s Biden hell, it’s more than obvious that it was the average, NORMAL Americans who lacked a voice. There was absolutely nothing that we could say that would be heard by the corrupt Marxists in charge. The lunatic fringe groups were all heard loud and clear, and basically imposed their wishes on all of society. Now that the majority of Americans have again found their collective voice, leftist snobs like Degenerate can’t handle the loss of their preferential treatment that they previously enjoyed at the expense of the rest of us. She’s right about one thing, however. This has gone on for far too long, and it’s time for the normal folks in society to get back to calling the shots. If that bothers her, she can keep her a** permanently in the UK. She’s not missed on this side of the pond in the slightest.

  2. John Lennon once said that it’s the people with the most violent tendencies who go on the most about love and peace (he was referring to himself at the time). I think there’s a fair amount of truth in what he said, and this seems to be a case in point. Very few Hollywood types have as negative a reputation as Ellen Degenerate. Her awful treatment of others has been the subject of much discussion among those she’s interacted with. Yet here she is, like so many nauseating times before, blabbing about spreading love in the world. She could use her “platform” for that if she really wanted to, but instead she spreads only contempt and criticism of those she disagrees with, just like every one of her leftist cronies. I wish that, just once, these people would attempt to follow their own advice (which of course would be impossible for them). Fortunately, her social media presence is unlikely to get much attention as she’s nothing more than an old relic at this point. For everyone’s sake, she needs to just fade away quietly (but again, that’s impossible for her).


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