“Meghan” is just another gutter snipe! She seduced Harry to get the royal title! Gotta laugh Meghan has always had a “low approval rating,” even lower than Camilla’s!
I had respect for the queen, but I have no respect for the current crop of British “royalty”. They’re a bunch of spoiled-rotten snots. None of them deserve to be king or queen.
The late Queen truly dedicated her life and duty to the people along with Prince Philip, who was never King! So why do we have this unreal
Queen? England loved the late Queen and Princess Diana and that is where the people seem to be “stuck” in their love of royalty. I know I am – but believe Prince William is fast learning how to become the sort of king England will need in the not too distant future.
Can somebody pleeeeeease tell me the fascination some people have with Meghan Markle…take a good look at her, she’s not that pretty, her face looks like a 12 year old boy. If you saw her walking down the street, you wouldn’t give her a second look. I’d give her maybe a 5 out of 10 but people act like she’s a 15….
Meghan is just a spoiled snot who is also a gold digger.
“Meghan” is just another gutter snipe! She seduced Harry to get the royal title! Gotta laugh Meghan has always had a “low approval rating,” even lower than Camilla’s!
My heart breaks for Meghan… Would have loved watching her on Netflix. This guy who is talking is disgusting!!!!
I had respect for the queen, but I have no respect for the current crop of British “royalty”. They’re a bunch of spoiled-rotten snots. None of them deserve to be king or queen.
The late Queen truly dedicated her life and duty to the people along with Prince Philip, who was never King! So why do we have this unreal
Queen? England loved the late Queen and Princess Diana and that is where the people seem to be “stuck” in their love of royalty. I know I am – but believe Prince William is fast learning how to become the sort of king England will need in the not too distant future.
Can somebody pleeeeeease tell me the fascination some people have with Meghan Markle…take a good look at her, she’s not that pretty, her face looks like a 12 year old boy. If you saw her walking down the street, you wouldn’t give her a second look. I’d give her maybe a 5 out of 10 but people act like she’s a 15….