Sometimes the only cure for mental illness is to be strung up. I’d say Joy and all the rest of the washed up whores on that stupid show need the ultimate cure for mental illness. There is NO cure for stupid and these sluts prove it every day they waste TV time.
I have a theory that could be a fact I think Democrats love freeies so much that they were offered free lobotomies and you know how much they love freebies, and that is why they are such mental cases!
Sometimes the only cure for mental illness is to be strung up. I’d say Joy and all the rest of the washed up whores on that stupid show need the ultimate cure for mental illness. There is NO cure for stupid and these sluts prove it every day they waste TV time.
Lobotomies maybe?
I have a theory that could be a fact I think Democrats love freeies so much that they were offered free lobotomies and you know how much they love freebies, and that is why they are such mental cases!
I agree and the fact they are let on TV is baffling!
Elon Musk could buy and sell the View just for fun. The left`s spew of the View didn`t work. It is now only a matter of time.
Joy needs a Klingon her noggin to wake up and stop spewing hatred. ABC is a hate filled affiliation that promotes hate on the View
Hate, lies, racism is all that fits into their hour of trash.
The 90 yr. old Piece Of Trash should fall into a festering RED ANT hill full of RED FIRE Ants! Blend in with her dyed red hair!