OMG! Nancy Pelosi Has a MAJOR Problem!



Joey Biden in drag.

Her blood type is Smirnoff


  1. The ugly old stupid drunk hag and Sore Throat Kamala must have had a drinking contest. Wonder which one won, or does it really matter. Those two dumb bitches should stay away from any open flame. They might catch on fire.

  2. Im sorry to tell you, but I believe it’ not Booz I believe it’ drugs, the hand actions and the constant movements kinda indacate to me its some type of antipsychotics, antidepressants, stimulants and opioids, this would explain the constant twitching, mouth moments etc. It also would explain what a dope dealer was doing in her house with her husband with no pants on after being let in (Voluntarily)

  3. Bill, you could be right. Maybe it’s drugs. The entire incident with her hubby is very strange. Something not right.

  4. Pelosi has one hell of a time keeping her fake teeth from falling out and being plastered trying to smile and trying to keep a thought in her head at the same time!! She’s washed up and done but the bitch keeps poking her head up wanting people to listen to her gibberish. Time to pack up Piggy and go home and not be heard of anymore. Liar, cheating, corrupt politician should go to her grave and never have eternal rest.

  5. Drunken old Sot. Pushing her upper plate up with her tongue. No wonder her old man has “friends” in when she is out. Nancy is in the bag, and an old bag. Her blood is 100 proof.

  6. Shows just because they have been in office for a long time, doesn’t make them smart or even have common sense. Biden, Harris, Walters, Schumer, Sanders, Dr. Fauci, Hillary, McConnell. You get the picture. Then we have the bureaucrats, politicians, and other non voted for interfering parties. George Soros, Bill Gates, WHO, WEF, Globalists, Big Tech, Big PHARMA, CDC, Mainstream Media, The View, and others. Notice they all have a Socialist, Communist, world view. Big Government. The people not having input. Which is backward to the Constitution they so dearly want to change. And take God(The Creator) out of people’s lives. Allow satan in. From past history, always leads to failure. What is in it for them is the narrative. Rather than giving self to make the world better. Less government is better.


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