Everyone Is Furious Over Kamala Harris NAACP Award Speech



Joy don’t pay your bills.

Thank you dude. I love Trump.


  1. Sore Throat Kamala is full of joy because she’s been plastered since Nov. 6. The only unity she was considered about is the union between a man’s middle leg and her mouth. To listen to these white dummycrats talk so well of Sore Throat Kamala is laughable and they must be on some type of drug. For the NAACP to give a woman who has NO African blood in her an award shows the NAACP is as worthless as the Noble Piece of shit award. As for these white libs mindlessly speaking so well of Kamala, they live up to the words of Malcom X, “Beware of the white liberal.”

  2. NAACP is a fraud, they are a MARXIST front for Communists. They could care less about American Blacks, who they use for financial and political gain.

    Beware of the white liberal is right!

  3. She is as Black as Obama, neither being raised in Black culture, hoods, schools, but whip out that race card or 1/2 -1/4 race card to gain some rhythm with the TRUE blacks they pretend to represent. They’d fall apart in the hood in one short day. They could not survive with low wage, piss poor schools/teachers, horrible neighborhoods, fast food, and gangs.. They’d sht down both legs and run like hell back to the Privilege of “whites” which is also a myth. Nobody lives like Harris or Obama… black OR white. They are the privileged, not the middle class

  4. Another media moment paid for with that $150 Billion spent by K. Harris for her alleged campaign. K. Harris is 80% Indian, 15%+ white and less than 5% African. I have more African blood than she does, and mine comes from two Blacks traded into Jamestown in 1607 by an English pirate in exchange for goods, food, etc. She was never constitutionally eligible to be a president of our country. She lived in Canada from ages 8 to 18. She’s as fake as Barry Obama. Wake up, People!!!

  5. the democrats just want the control over the people, are pissing the the puppet stupid female lost and will KEEP on trying to divide the country just so they can line their pockets,
    and a white female gets the NAACP award what a joke,
    and joy is the money in her pocket,
    females run on emotion, and the country don’t work that way,
    and she NOT BLACK,
    just like foreign student barry


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