It’s been proven several times over Lee Harvey Oswald only had one shot available given the rifle he used and the range he was at. The first shot, which hit JFK in the neck, was probably Oswald’s. but the second shot that actually killed JFK came from a different direction and given the way his head was jolted toward his left side; it had to be a larger caliber than what Oswald’s rifle was. Then the fact that Oswald was killed so quickly by a man who had ties to the New Orleans mafia and owed a big favor to the mafia makes it MORE obvious Oswald didn’t act alone. Jack Ruby got life in prison, not the death penalty, which makes it MORE suspicious.
The real fools are the ones who have denied any sort of conspiracy all these years. It’s apparently just easier and less stressful for some to believe that the assassination was the random act of a lone gunman than to admit that all the evidence points to something much deeper and more sinister. Wake TFU people – there are evil forces in this world constantly working to destroy virtue, and those forces usually involve a hell of a lot more than just a random bad apple acting on their own. There are countless events throughout history that occurred due to conspiracies – they are FAR more common than most care to admit – yet the masses have been so brainwashed as to call ANY conspiracy theory crazy. Our own government has extensive experience in various methods of mind control, and has no doubt been involved in its fair share of controversies over the years. The RFK assassination is another very obvious scenario involving far more than just a lone gunman. The official story is total BS, and the extreme speed with which vital evidence was removed and destroyed indicates an active coverup role at some level of government. Very much like the assassination attempt on President Trump last year in Pennsylvania. If anyone thinks that it was the work of a lone gunman with no enabling or involvement by people in an “official” capacity, they’re not living in reality.
With all this being said, it’s VERY doubtful that Americans will ever be told the complete truth about any of these events, even with the release of “all” records. The government’s involvement virtually ensures that the most damning evidence will never see the light of day. They may release just enough new tidbits to pacify the public – a 2nd gunman may be alluded to in the case of JFK for example – but their true identity or their ties will never be released. Our government simply claims ignorance when it’s convenient to do so. Does anyone really think that the most powerful country on earth, with the most extensive web of intelligence gathering, is so easily taken by surprise? Yet time and again our government portrays itself as clueless and unprepared when they need to deflect suspicion. And one of the best ways to claim ignorance is to portray every perpetrator as a loose canon acting alone, totally off the radar of the authorities. Yeah, right.
I believed for many years that those who said there was shooter additional to Oswald could not possibly be right after all the investigating that was done – until one night I saw the awful Zapruder film. The kill shot caused the top of Kennedy’s head to fly off backwards. There is no way that could happen with a bullet coming from above and behind. I do not know what the truth is but it is not the official version.
It’s been proven several times over Lee Harvey Oswald only had one shot available given the rifle he used and the range he was at. The first shot, which hit JFK in the neck, was probably Oswald’s. but the second shot that actually killed JFK came from a different direction and given the way his head was jolted toward his left side; it had to be a larger caliber than what Oswald’s rifle was. Then the fact that Oswald was killed so quickly by a man who had ties to the New Orleans mafia and owed a big favor to the mafia makes it MORE obvious Oswald didn’t act alone. Jack Ruby got life in prison, not the death penalty, which makes it MORE suspicious.
The real fools are the ones who have denied any sort of conspiracy all these years. It’s apparently just easier and less stressful for some to believe that the assassination was the random act of a lone gunman than to admit that all the evidence points to something much deeper and more sinister. Wake TFU people – there are evil forces in this world constantly working to destroy virtue, and those forces usually involve a hell of a lot more than just a random bad apple acting on their own. There are countless events throughout history that occurred due to conspiracies – they are FAR more common than most care to admit – yet the masses have been so brainwashed as to call ANY conspiracy theory crazy. Our own government has extensive experience in various methods of mind control, and has no doubt been involved in its fair share of controversies over the years. The RFK assassination is another very obvious scenario involving far more than just a lone gunman. The official story is total BS, and the extreme speed with which vital evidence was removed and destroyed indicates an active coverup role at some level of government. Very much like the assassination attempt on President Trump last year in Pennsylvania. If anyone thinks that it was the work of a lone gunman with no enabling or involvement by people in an “official” capacity, they’re not living in reality.
With all this being said, it’s VERY doubtful that Americans will ever be told the complete truth about any of these events, even with the release of “all” records. The government’s involvement virtually ensures that the most damning evidence will never see the light of day. They may release just enough new tidbits to pacify the public – a 2nd gunman may be alluded to in the case of JFK for example – but their true identity or their ties will never be released. Our government simply claims ignorance when it’s convenient to do so. Does anyone really think that the most powerful country on earth, with the most extensive web of intelligence gathering, is so easily taken by surprise? Yet time and again our government portrays itself as clueless and unprepared when they need to deflect suspicion. And one of the best ways to claim ignorance is to portray every perpetrator as a loose canon acting alone, totally off the radar of the authorities. Yeah, right.
I believed for many years that those who said there was shooter additional to Oswald could not possibly be right after all the investigating that was done – until one night I saw the awful Zapruder film. The kill shot caused the top of Kennedy’s head to fly off backwards. There is no way that could happen with a bullet coming from above and behind. I do not know what the truth is but it is not the official version.