Ann Coulter Annihilates Woke Radical Joy Reid in Brutal Live TV Showdown!



and meanwhile in RED PARADISE IDAHO,people are handing out leaflets on how to report aliens heehee



  1. Joy Reid and her victacrats blame everybody but themselves for their situation. Hey Joy, your own tribesmen sold your great, great grand pappy into slavery.

  2. Typical lying, race baiting satanists that can’t answer a question without the race card and spewing hate. The party for the middle class. Democrats have been having a party on our dime since Clinton signed NAFTA

  3. THe snowman was the only sane one and made the only valid points…To quote an old line from SNL, “Jane, you ignorant slut,” sums up the panel against Ann and the audience. Someone should tell Bill that God will not be mocked. It is shocking the blasphamy allowed against the 1 true and only living God. He sent his son to die for all people. God does not see the color of a person’s skin, He only sees the heart. As Billy Grahm once said, “God belongs to the whole world.”

  4. Joy Reid is a DEI, admittedly got into and Ivy League Univ because she is black. She was supposed to get the ax after Lemon did, yet here she is still contaminating every thing near her. She is a vitriolic bitch who only keep a a job for one reason,and, it “aint” talent

  5. They have the nerve to put Jesus down. Since they do not have a personal relationship with the Lord, in other words, lost, why would God reveal himself to ignorant, hateful people. He would not. God says, “You first must humble yourself, repent of your sins,” then God gives the Holy Spirit for understanding. Get Baptized. Then tell others. Not all Religions and Darwanism are right. All think they are. Insulting people, name calling, is all from the devil. Pray in Jesus Name. Standing up to the hate takes courage. Might have to die. The Soul will be with God. This body is temporary. Jesus said, “Do not be afraid of those that kill the body.” The Soul is eternal. Ignorant to God you will go to, hell. Trust in the Lord as I said above, Heaven bound. Everyone can receive the Lord. Not everyone will. Faith over fear. God over the devil. Good over bad. Right over wrong. Which side are you on? What are they doing to make the world better? I have tried to help at least one person a day for over forty years. That does not get me to Heaven. I do that because God allows me to go to Heaven by Faith. But Faith without works is dead.

  6. Not a fair fight. A low IQ ‘useful idiot’ trying to debate a MENSA member about topics that she can’t even comprehend. Her staff has to give her que cards and off-camera prompts and she is still too stupid to put up an intelligent argument. You must wonder about the IQ of the View’s regular audience.

  7. so Joy’s parents were LEGAL immigrants, which is way different from our problem now with the ILLEGALS. (I am a LEGAL immigrant myself) I have solutions for replacing unvetted (and unvaxed) illegal immigrants to pick vegetables. Solution 1/ work visa. Solution 2/ all those thousands of able-bodied and able-minded young men and women on welfare- they should “pick vegetables” or do any work to deserve MY money to live on. Solution 3/ machines to replace mechanical work

  8. People seem to forget the US bought people that were already slaves sold by their own and the southern democrats fought the civil war to keep slavery

    • You’re half right. The Civil War however, had absolutely nothing to do with slavery. It was fought over economics and nothing more noble like freeing anyone. Remember the north had slaves and the only ones freed by the War were the slaves that signed up and fought for the union army.

  9. This is the first time I’ve heard of stream report. It was good original content and information. I guess it’s the new AI fervor, but I personally found it distracting, irritating, and counter productive to have the comments made from a snow man with a carrot nose.

  10. All of the ones sitting to the Left of Ann
    ought to be HANGED just for looking and being STUPID !!!!

    I sure hope everyone AGREES

  11. Coulter was right about that crowd. I wouldn’t trust them to walk my dog. Same with Joyless Reid. I’m sure she would leave dog waste wherever it lands. Why do Hispanics speak normal English until they say “Latinos”? It just sounds disingenuous. The libturds just yell, when they have no argument. Funny how atheists use the name of Jesus, to try to make stupid points.

  12. KKK was started by the “DEMOCRAT”s and their mission, Blacks either vote Democrat or get hung. Mr Snowman, a snowman is smarter than democrat. And, for you lost people, Jrsus is Ali ve and he will return to earth and man oh man, a lot of lost will become belivers

  13. Mahar and his cronies talk over Ann Coulter because she’s right, typical of jackass liberals. Mahar should not have mocked our savior Jesus Christ, he will regret it. Joyless Reid only blabs about black people being forgotten about. She’s a broken record telling the same lie over and over.


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