This is no longer in cinq with the citizens of this country. Now I know why my parents left the Dems years ago. They are nothing but thieves stealing from “WE THE PEOPLE”.
All this wokeness and racial posturing……and they elect a goofy white guy as the chairman. It won’t matter whom they elect, until they wake up and get in touch with the electorate, they’re doomed to humiliating losses.
Another freak show runs the Marxist dummycrat party. They’ll never go back to being democrats.
another crooked lying pantie wearing lemming of Saros. what is new.
This is no longer in cinq with the citizens of this country. Now I know why my parents left the Dems years ago. They are nothing but thieves stealing from “WE THE PEOPLE”.
All this wokeness and racial posturing……and they elect a goofy white guy as the chairman. It won’t matter whom they elect, until they wake up and get in touch with the electorate, they’re doomed to humiliating losses.