Michael Rapaport SHREDS “Cadaver” Joe Biden for COMMUTING Fauci



That little gremlin had better not get away with his atrocities.

He can still be charged by the states and other countries.



  1. They both look like cadavers to me. Some of this pardon is to keep Fauci’s mouth shut because there’s a very real possibility that the dummycrats were behind the virus being leaked out onto the world. Dummycrat Bill Gates, along with many other dummycrats, believe to world is too populated and want the population to be dropped to 100,000. A small population is easier to control.

  2. For the great harm he caused the entire world I hope someone out there steps up, he need a good lesson about honesty and a better lesson about greed.

  3. Fauci needs to be shot up with every vaccine on earth and then injected with every virus he has and a part in and then tied down inside a mosquito net filled with mosquitoes with all sorts of diseases.

    once he is good an sick and barely able to stand have some big guy beat him senseless. then tell him you will stop if he can actually tell the truth about all of the crap he has pulled.

    Then put those electric muscle flexing pads all over him and fill him with testosterone. turn them all on at twice and keep them on until his is so crampped up he is screaming in pain. then inject him with the covid vaccine over and over and over. Say you need a booster each time.

    Once you do with that throw him in freezing water and tell him to swim back to shore.

    There is no limit to the pain fauci deserves.

  4. Isn’t he wanted in several countries in Europe? Same with Russia for crimes against humanity.
    His cohorts need to be added to the wanted lists also. Rightfully so, they killed millions worldwide


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