Fire Fighting Helicopter Drops Tons of Dirt On Firefighter



Remember the kiwi lesbian naval officer that ran their newest $500M ship aground, catching fire and then sank. But, SHE was the FIRST EVER!

Remember FEMA at the North Carolina hurricane? FEMA boss said, “Don’t help homes with Trump signs.” Disgusting.


  1. As a rancher, I have hiked into nearby hills carrying a hoe, shovel and rake to put out fires started by a wacko neighbor. Dirt kills fires, and I put out a number of fires using dirt. You don’t need water if you have dirt, so I applaud the fire dept for finally using dirt and trying to do something, but dumping it on fire workers demonstrates total stupidity and incompetency. Who hired, trained and supervises these morons?????? Oh, the person who is paid hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars and got the job based solely on DEI criteria? Right.

  2. I just lost control of a fire a few years ago in the fall when a sudden gust of wind blew the flames onto some dead grass. Lucky for me I had my tractor with me and I scooped up a few loads of dirt and dumped onto the spreading fire. Then I smashed the loader bucket onto the remaining flames and that was the end of the fire. As for the people running the fire fighting helicopter, most likely they’re from California and were trained by Newshit’s fire fighting school.

  3. Gov Newscumbag and Mayor Basshole both have all the filthy rich Hollywood celebrity jerks include CNN NBC CBS ABC DEI FBI Homeland fruit cakes plus Oprah Obama Clinton’s Swifties who voted for the above and Bidenbrainless and Scamala to pay innocent LA citizens money to replace all their homes and pay their insurance bills now period!!!

  4. From what I see in the video, the helicopter flew over and past the actual fire then dumped the dirt on the firefighter. The dirt never even touched the fire. I hope the firefighter is OK.

  5. Since Trump will be wheeling and dealing when he takes over, maybe he’ll sell Commiefornia to Canada. People who voted for this incompetence shouldn’t get taxpayers money to rebuild. It’s on them.

  6. I have info concerning International Terrorism on Federal Court Documents. I also know the Truth about E-Gov Surety Exchange Act of 1934(FEMA) At CJS $$ 30-34 Fla Rico Violating U.S. Constitution. (FERA) Is the Legal Surety Exchange Act of 1932- Federal Emergency Relief Act Gives us our Freedom and FEMA in Florida has a CJS $$ Illegal Contract to Destroy Legal Gov with Genocide and Slavery under crim LAW hiding FERA in Fla. Courts- FEMA wants Military Rule not Civil LAW. I can prove it. They keep barring me from Federal Court. Want the TRUTH ?


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