Breaking: LA Mayor Karen Bass Expected to Resign Immediately?!



Resign? How about jail for dereliction of duty!

There is no room for DEI in the realm of Public Safety.


  1. If she doesn’t resign, get a recall petition going, pronto. She didn’t answer a single question from a reporter. Remove that clueless bitch from office. Also remove Newscum. Newscum allowed reservoirs to run dry and didn’t refill them.

    • you will be treated as insignificant and irrelevant until YOU can prove otherwise. You are, what you eat. Made your bed, lie in it. Hell ain’t half full

  2. Where have they discovered grandmother Bass? Another do nothing, inept, incompetent, aiming to substitute Maxima Walters in the most desirable politic seat. Remember… Where the democrats touch they always creat shit…

  3. LA. pays this idiot over 300K+ /yr. Total estimated damages from the tragedy, 52-57 BILLION $!!!! How’s DEI work’n for Ya? And, there’s still plenty other lefties that should set an example and tender their resignation, but will the CA. public take action?

  4. I dont under stand how the people of Calif. can keep voting for Newsom, Bass, Schiff, and Waters . That group is destroying Calif. The big question is are the people of Calif. that dumb?

    • Yes Good Luck they are as well as being rich to the point no one else matters Much like those on Marthas Vinyard, Ma.. Rich and useless.

  5. No the public will not take action. If there was a vote today the Californians would vote new and incompetent democrats in. They haven’t learned anything in all these years this will make no difference. All the ones who moved to other states are trying to turn their new home state into California. Why move and then turn that state into the very place you moved from?

  6. Delusionality has hidden costs, until they break out in a manner that cannot be ignored. These fires were preventable, or at least could have been mitigated greatly, with a practical cost/benefit analysis and the public officials willing ness to use the money in their care for its intended purpose, rather than lining their own pockets. Newsome, Bass et al are guilty of aiding and abetting 2nd and 3rd degree homicide.

    • Correction: They could have been prevented or mitigated by people not building houses in dry wilderness; and by fossil-fuel companies admitting, years ago, that climate change (which both Exxon and Shell execs have ADMITTED is real) means changed rainfall patterns and quantities, instead of continuing to lie and push unsustainable forms of energy.

  7. Karen you had a presser after horrendous occurrence in your city and you didn’t THINK these questions would come? And stand there mute. Geez Louise.
    And now Newsom asks Trump to come to Cali to save his bacon! Tell Newsome – only if I can approve your hires. Incompetence at its grossest. LA fires are like a disaster parody movie

  8. Most of the people in California spoke during the Nov election and were heard. Now Mother nature looks like she will help with the rest of the state. I’ll continue to pray for those impacted by this natural disaster.

  9. Well, the thing is, the idiot voters voted for this incompetence. Newscum had 4 dams destroyed. These dams provided water and hydropower. Now the water flows into the Pacific Ocean and does nothing. In my way of thinking, this is treason.

  10. Dummycrats resign? Never happen. They’ll just blame their failures on Trump and the people who voted for him. The California government needs to be overthrown. There dummycrat leaders need to be dumped in a pit and have boiling battery acid dump on them.


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