Right Wing Actor EXPOSES Bill Maher’s Hypocrisy On Democrats



I wouldn’t go “coward” but Maher is far from brave, sits in the same pocket as Stephen A…with the whole “im a sane liberal but oh how i hate trump” thing…notice theyve fallen back in line?

Just take a look at late night TV entertainment in the USA , Exactly , no one in the USA is watching late night TV entertainment anymore


  1. Bill Maher has a very limited understanding of democracy if he thinks that the RIGHT is the biggest threat to it. No one on the right should ever be duped into thinking that Maher is somehow coming to his senses. He’s a moronic, out-of-touch leftist, and always will be. He pretends to be frustrated with the left, but after every criticism he then softens it with some type of excuse for why they’re not so bad. And invariably after such criticism, he makes sure to point out why the right is so much worse. I have zero respect for Maher or his opinions, as he continuously demonstrates his inability to modify his stand on any issue, regardless of the presence of compelling evidence that proves him wrong. How quickly folks seem to forget that only a few short months ago, Maher was fully onboard with Biden, stating what a great job he was doing. Apparently, Bill felt that America was on the right track under Joe. If that alone doesn’t discredit his opinion, I don’t know what does. It frustrates the hell out of me when conservatives speak of Maher as if he’s doing a great service to the right by criticizing his own party. The only service Bill Maher can do is to shut the hell up and crawl back under his rock with enough pot to keep him occupied for the rest of his days.

  2. Lately, Billy has been criticizing his leftist buddies for being so brazen about their tactics to crumble this country’s constitutional government and go full out communist. Billy is still a stupid little Marxist wimpy puke who has no problem turning this country into a communist state, he just wants to do it slowly and quietly so that most of the population won’t realize this country has turned communist until it’s too late to stop it. This is how the USSR used to operate, slowly feed communism to the public until they are so dependent on the government, they won’t be able to go back to a representative republic. This has been the goal of the ACLU since its founding over a hundred years ago and Billy is a faithful follower.

  3. This tiny, dog-ass ugly little man is jealous of Trump and his routine, life and commitment is to destroy him. He is an old man, fading into oblivion, who has no grip on media, other than Trump bashing. He is a little flag, waves with the wind and now has a show on CNN, nuff said? He is a media/politcal whore, no kids, no wife, no life other than his piss poor job as a has -been comedian. He was once, maybe, funny. Now, his is praised for being a Left wing puppet. He has gone after Trump from the time he had a public life. He was sued over BS by Trump, and it was on. Trump is everything little dog-ass Billy aspires to be…… ie, tall, rich, influential, confident and DRUG FREE… Maher is junkie, hooked” on weed and god knows what else for his entire , sort of , adult life… He thinks the world wants him to sway to the RIGHT wing… “Oh maybe we can get Bill Maher?” WTF.. the only group into that sht are black women who think they have struck gold when they ball some white guy. He aims low and then brags about scoring, but I guess its all pink on the inside, right?OMG… This pile of dog shit is NOT WANTED in the GOP.


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