Trump Haters FREAK As Donald Unveils New MAGA Hat With Brutal Message Before Inauguration



I affirm that President Trump was right about everything!!

Trump has been totally right about everything whether the whiners believe it or not. GET OVER IT!!!!


      • You’re right about that – our schools are no longer education facilities but rather indoctrination camps. Keep in mind, however, that all of this socialist/Marxist rot was made possible by my generation – the boomers. We were the first to decide that EVERYTHING our parents knew was wrong. We set out to change the world with our “free” lifestyle that emphasized personal gratification over social responsibility. Every institution from the past was seen as out of touch with our newfound “values”. This is precisely when God began to disappear from our society. Drug use became accepted as a harmless recreational activity, and free sex became not only our favorite pastime, but our collective obsession. While we stupidly saw all of this as freedom, it was actually quite enslaving and all but guaranteed that we would be easily manipulated by the evil forces bent on destroying our country. This is precisely what’s happened. Our generation, stripped of any real morality, was in no position to pass on morals to our children, so what chance did they, or any future generations, have? The most infuriating aspect of this is how the boomers still have no ability to admit their complicity in America’s decay. We sit in judgment like some kind of “wise elders”, smoking our “medical” weed while lamenting the proliferation of fentanyl, oblivious to the stage that we helped set. While every generation has its voices of reason, mine has far too few to make a difference. History will not remember us favorably, nor should it.

        • Your speaking about yourself and wrongly label the boomers. I and most of all, boomers have been fighting Marxists in the democrat party our entire lives.

    • the 61 years of the LBJ’s socialist agenda called the unGREATful SOCIETY must come to an end. IT was a dismal $23 trillion failure. The socialism needs to be destroyed, the socialist deported, contained or forced to “give up their oxygen habit”. Just like WE were forced to give up HALF of what we produce, every year, to over taxation.

  1. YOU pay to have YOUR children educated, I will pay for mine. YOUR children threaten my children, MY children will dispatch YOUR children. Just like my ancestors said 164 years ago, “leave us alone, or else”.


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