Legacy Media Finally ADMITS Joe Biden Was a DISASTER from the Start!



Sleepy Joe has been impaired since day one!!!!

Trish, the funny thing is, no one had to report this. Honest people saw this 4 years ago. The rest lied and lied and lied.


  1. now the real insurrection is becoming clear. the lies by the FBI, Media and Democrats to put demented brain dead Biden in office is the real insurrection. The fake Russian dossier by Hilary and obama is the real insurrection. The Democrats magical 21 million votes was the insurrection.

    Every single person involved deserves to be publicly hung.

  2. Oh, now they’re admitting Biden is a bumbling, stupid, senile, brain-dead imbecile? They knew it all along, but they kept a lid on it. Biden has been an imbecile for the last 50 years. He’s been wrong about everything. I’ll never believe he won the 2020 election without fraud.

  3. DUH!!!!! Even Oboob said you could count on Joe to screw things up. Just like at the way the stupid worthless bastard acted his whole time in congress. Now, he’s a stupid worthless senile shit pants bastard. Joe should’ve dragged out of congress years ago to the woodshed and had the shit beat out of him. Now he shits without a beating. EVERYONE, including those who were in on it, knew this stupid worthless shitpants senile bastard couldn’t win a national election without cheating. The entire worl laughed at the American people for allowing the shitpants bastard to get away with the election theft. Countries in Latin American and Africa had the biggest laugh because if that ever happened in their country it would result in all out shooting civil war. That should’ve happened here!

  4. Sedition / Treason charges for all – including the lame stream media hacks. Include The HO in the charges too.
    Right now the Obamey Sorass commies are going full out to destroy the USA with EO banning oil leases. They have been running the shift show from day one. Misery for the masses communists.


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