Feminist Learns She NEEDS Men – The Hard Way



Just smile at them and say “Stay strong and independent because our lives are so much easier now “.

I’m a mechanic. I don’t offer help to any women ever. If women need help with their car, they can call a tow truck or mobile service company. No freebee form me.


  1. Just as an FYI I am a woman who actually likes and appreciates a masculine male. not ALL women are man haters If they don’t want to help me then that is their choice. Very sad what these women have done to the other women

    • and to think, a total idiot will still vote the racist, women haters into office and then blame the pro American sane people? NO THX go cry on someone else’s shoulder….. I’m busy

  2. I have to laugh at all these ignorant women oh I dont need a man well wake the hell up ladies YOU DO AND ALWAYS WILL NEED A MAN granted some men may not be worthy BUT some of you women are not worthy of a good man its all about love trust honesty and wanting to share feelings and work together as we need each other I HAVE A GREAT GUY we love and share everything we help each other and have respect for each other

  3. ya’ll need to study history, mainly what Berlin looked like at the end of WW II. females were gang raped by Russians for days on end… the chaos is coming to socialist Amerika. wait for it

  4. There are ways to live in harmony. There are things that can be done better by either one, by choice or by talent. Men can cook – called chefs, women can do brain surgery – called doctors. There are some things that women will never be able to do and the same for men due to massive differences in physical abilities , structure and apptitudes. . Finding the right fit is the key. Need, also is so variable. Some women can shoot, any weapon, but can’t haul 175 pounds on their backs. Facts are facts. The idea is to be honest, to help each other, to have more things in common than not. The more choice we have then the less need for each other. The old axiom ” Keep ’em barefoot and pregnant” does NOT apply anymore. I remember, as a child that was tossed around our home and the guys would laugh. Keep them tied to a stove, a washing machine and a mop and bucket, caring for a mob of screaming kids with a new one on the way every year. Maybe that was the seed of rebellion that grew the idea of “enough” of this. A man left the house every day, saw real adults, had another interest away from home and the wife was more or less a domestic, paid for with upkeep, ie- food, shelter and once in a while clothing. Times have changed. I’ve always felt that I need a man because I love him, not love him “only” because I need a meal ticket. That would be insulting. There are gals who make a living by parasiting off of the male species and we who don’t are well aware of them. In that case, the guy will choose a stacked, big butt, huge silicone cans, eyelash batting bimbo to hump, but has no idea that she is looking towards his bank account and what he can do to make her life easy. When a man can look at a plain woman with a sincere heart and find value in her, then maybe the playing field will be leveled. The power of puzzee is paramount to men. We all want to find a partner to share life , good and bad with, but the standard put out there by instant Porn, unrealistic standards for each other we have been conditioned to not be satisfied with what we can attain. Face it, our entire society has lost its grip on reality. We have swung like the pendulum on a clock from one extreme to the other in all aspects of our lives. There is no middle ground anymore.


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