Bill Maher Hilariously Roasts George Clooney In Epic Fashion



Clooney can always book a spot with The View.

Pronouncing Mahers name 18 different ways had me LMAO.


    • When in doubt, cover all your bases – ONE of those pronunciations has to be correct… These idiots lose so much credibility by not doing their research.

  1. Maher, the guru on Everything, just ask him. A greasy, oily, Newscum hair-look alike. I’ll just be he is pissed at Ted Danson, for beating him to Whoopie. That is HIS wheelhouse. Clooney and Maher are the same ilk. A couple of rich assholes with a venue to bellow their opinions. He is nearly 70 years old and hanging on the cliff edge with what is left of his claws before he becomes another Biden, mumbling his dying bullsht. GO AWAY , Maher. The WEED JUNKIE king.

  2. It’s all about THEM, Isn’t it? Piss on the rest of the world and we are so dumb that we don’t realize that we are their bread and butter.

  3. It’s hilarious to see the lib celebrities squirm as they realize that their woke politics won’t get them the mileage that it used to. Clooney is nothing more than a fool and a stooge for the democrats. He’s right to feel used by the likes of Obama, who quickly distanced himself from Clooney when his plan didn’t pan out as expected. The fact that Clooney considered him a “friend” shows him to be an extremely poor judge of character. No one in their right mind would see Obama as anything other than a shallow, two-faced manipulator without a trace of sincerity in him. Not that I feel sorry for Clooney – he made his bed, now let him lie in it.

    As for Maher, there’s nothing admirable about him. His snubbing of Clooney was only done because of Clooney’s current unpopularity, not because Maher actually STANDS for anything. It sickens me to see so-called conservatives fawning over Maher’s “awakening”, as if he represents the future of traditional American values. He hasn’t changed one bit – he’s still a opportunistic narcissist trying to remain relevant in a world that has recently rejected his brand of leftist BS. The fact that he thinks Biden would have been a better candidate than Harris shows how little he learned from recent events. He’s said on numerous occasions how dangerous he thinks Trump is, repeating the same tired scare tactics as the rest of his ilk. He continued to claim, right up to the election, that he wasn’t worried because he was SURE that Harris would win. I guess Mr. Wonderful doesn’t have his finger on the pulse of America quite as much as he’d have us believe. Let him go back to his drug and alcohol infused interviews as he fades into the obscurity he so richly deserves.


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