Obama Breaks The Internet As He Accuses Republicans Of RIGGING The Election



Obummer has lost his mojo…know one is listening to him any longer. America has woken up to his bs.

Didn’t they just try to put the BEST PRESIDENT EVER DONALD J TRUMP in jail for this exact same thing smh


  1. Obama is just a big time closer from day one. He did nothing but try to destroy OUR COUNTRY. That was his father’s wish, and he was determined to fulfill it. He failed and thank the Good Lord we have President Trump back in the saddle again.

  2. So typical of the great divider. You lost the election because Harris is an empty suit with no redeeming value whatsoever. So are you going to pay off her 20 million debt now that she’s going to be unemployed and you are also going to be unemployed eff Jan 20? Time to wake up and closely evaluate where you went wrong and rethink your beliefs. The Republicans didn’t fail, you Democrats failed your party and the rest of the country. It takes a real man to admit that you are wrong. So my question is “When will you take a good look at yourself and step up and take responsibility for your misdeeds?” I already know the answer-it’s never because you are delusional and suffer from mental illness. This we are 100% convinced of.

  3. Is Bribem going to give him a pardon for illegally running the Oval Office the last 4 years? Or for sponsoring an illegal invasion with Bribem, Harris’s and Mayorkass? Is Blinken going to get one with Mike Morell and the 51 Intel frauds that tried to throw the 2020 election and did! Same with Wray? Zuckerberg spilled the beans. Will Eric Holder and all those involved in the Kangaroo Courts get a pardon also? WHERE’s our SUPREME COURT!

  4. Oboob shre lives up to the dummycrat Marxist play book, “Accuse your opponent of everything you’re guilty of.” 1960 election was stolen by JFK. Clinton’s re-election is suspicious when Chinese money heavily involved. Oboob’s re-election is suspicious with the voting machines in several states manufactured by a company Soros owns. Shitpants Joe’s election was definitely stolen with numerous examples of that. Oboob should go back home to his wife, Mike.


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