Watch Mel Gibson DESTROY Kamala Harris In EPIC VIDEO – Hollywood Goes CRAZY!



They hate him, we love him

There’s a reason why Mel Gibson is the Patriot.


  1. Mel Gibson knows what it is like to have Hollywood censor and ban him for exercising free speech. Good for him that he continues to speak regardless of the nasty mob, and we know who is behind that mob.

    • Couldn’t agree with you more. I LOVE every movie he’s ever been in, been involved with and the left woke can’t throw enough lies and hate his way. But they don’t like people they can’t control. God Bless Mel. What a MAN !!!

  2. Mel Gibson is a good actor but a political Moron he knows, shit, Milch, Zero about Real life Politics, and Who is really truly for the American masses, and who is for the Twisted, Authoritarian Characters like the Misfit Elon Musk who support HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY, the Pussy grabber of the 🇺🇸 American women. And the Adolf Hitler secret Lover, and Admirer. Who Says in Public he is the protector of Women yet he is the number one Sexual predator, of women and a convicted Felon and a pussy grabber. So Mel Gibson it is not patriotic to support a pussy grabber, and since you support HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY, YOU ARE A LOSER AND A MAGA MAGGOT MISFIT ASSHOLE, SIR MEL GIBSON FARTMAN.

    • You’re stupider than shit. The political Morons are ones like DeNiro, Springsteen, Cher, Beyounce, Alec Baldwin, the list goes on and on. Notice all these celebs are all washed up has beens with little to no talent. The pussy grabber is Bill Clinton and shitpants Joe’s likes to grab the little girls that are too young to understands. Sore Throat Kamala is just a cocksucker. And you’re an asshole, a loser, and a misfit faggot maggot, Elias the wimpy pussy.

    • You are crazy you must be a very unhappy person. Mel Gibson is grate actor and normal human not a screw up like many of you. I wish you good luck 🍀

    • Elias why did you post all those facts about your self? Are you really as stupid as you just showed? The charges against Trump have either been dropped, overturned or being looked at as the hoax they really are and brought up by your brother Biden who might I say is following Hitler’s play book on how to destroy a country.. Just like the Russian hoax it was brought up by the very person who was sleeping with Russia, Hitlery. You fools will have a hard time doing anything you want if your commie sister Camel gets in office with her brother Tampon Tim the coward.

    • Elias, You are a deranged, brainwashed puppet of the left and mimics their psychotic narrative. The most laughable is the term convicted felon. Yeah right. A conviction by kangaroo courts filled with liberal hating insane driven judges with a TDS manufacturing and inventing make-up crimes thrown out by the upper courts.

    • the only thing you have convinced me of is that you are irrational and have a potty mouth.
      Obama owns three mansions, how much tax does he pay? Harris’ husband knocked up a nanny, and Walz reminds me of”happy the clown” He is constantly caught lying.

      How will her nibs function with Putin, Xixi ping, and the ayatollah? Can she stop the winds of war with her hee haw laugh? I think not.

  3. It’s pretty well impossible to find a worse candidate for president than senile incompetent Trump. The problem for traitor Trump is that he tried to overturn the election and the will of the people. That’s what Commie dictators do. Most countries have the death sentence for treason. Also, trying to control what women do with their bodies has lost the pussy grabbing felon millions of votes. And the majority of Americans flushed the orange turs ASAP. It sure wasn’t because he did a good job.

    • You haven’t been a Republican since Christ was a Corporal under Tampon Tim (which he never was). I hope Commie-La has a good position waiting for you when she get’s laid-off

  4. No doubt Trump’s state of mind has deteriorated dramatically since the start of the week, when he swayed and bopped on stage to music for 39 minutes, as if he’d temporarily forgotten that he was campaigning for president. The weirdest moment was when he responded to a child’s question about his favorite farm animal. Trump said he loves cows. But, he added, “if we go with Kamala, we won’t have any cows anymore.”
    This was met with laughter, but his face seemed to register confusion, as if to ask: why are these people laughing? So he said it again, seeming to ensure that they knew he wasn’t joking. … In Trump’s case, the issue is clearly some form of dementia. The condition runs in his family. His dad died of Alzheimer’s. Trump often says he “aced” two cognitive tests, but he’s known to have dictated his medical reports to his doctors when he was president.


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