Bill Maher Reveals What He’ll Do If Trump Becomes President Again



Maher is not nervous and the Grand Canyon is not deep.

One of the worst cases of TDS on record.


    • I never heard of Maher until these forums. I’ve never watched his program and don’t intend to. The only reason why I know of some of his rhetoric is from this forum, FOX news and a few other conservative email teasers. Hollywood also lost my interest years ago. The last “new” release I saw at a theater was Sahara in 2005 with Matthew McConaughey and Penelope Cruz. I’m just not interested in what they have to offer since they went WOKE. I don’t watch The View because I’m not interested in the WOKE loud-mouthed hate speech lies that come out of their mouths. I get my news from FOX news and the conservative articles in my email inbox. I get enough excerpts of the WOKE from that and that’s enough. Any more than that is a waste of my time. I’m not shocked by what I read and watch in a world that’s gone crazy but I’m so stunned that there are so many WOKE crazies that believe all of the sh*t that’s being fed to them. I’m of the opinion that the COVID vaccines and boosters might be more than it appears. I’ve pondered the possibility of mind control drugs. There can’t be that many crazy people in the world that believe the crap that’s embedded in their brains. That’s the only explanation that I can think of. Enough of my rambling.

      • Ohhh Leslie! You missed some good ones – Sound of Freedom, Vindicating Trump (by Dinesh D’Souza!), Am I Racist?, The Forge! All right-wing movies!

        And what other conspiracies can you share here besides mind control drugs? How about the one about Biden implementing a ban on religious symbolism on eggs during the White House Easter Egg Roll? Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered!

  1. You said it. I don’t get these wackos like Maher, Colbert, Lemon blah blah blah. There was a time when I at least gave them credit for being slightly more intelligent than the average democrat but I was wrong. God they’re stupid.

    • They only read from scripted material. I prefer my Perry Mason, Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock so much better than late night talk show hosts that aren’t even funny. Mine are much more entertaining (and believable, LOL).

    • Sandy, you are so right. Trump has his work cut out for him. He doesn’t have time for petty BS the liberals are thinking he is going to do to them. They just have a guilty conscience. They don’t like it and are scared to death of Trump. They have no bringing up. Treat people the way you would want to be treated. They are a disgrace.

      • Christina Creasy, how about trump’s reference to “shithole countries” like Haiti and El Salvador, and that we should have more people from Norway. (My, THAT was really presidential!)

        And, “I’ve been treated very unfairly by this judge. Now, this judge is of Mexican heritage.”

        How about his lie about Nikki Haley not being eligible to run for president because her parents were not U.S. citizens when she was born.

        “She was a bum three weeks ago. She was a bum. A failed vice president in a failed administration.”

        “She was so filthy, dirty, disgusting. She was so dirty. Every word was filthy, dirty. What a loser she is.”

        trump does not treat people the way he would want to be treated. Yet, you support him…..

      • Christina Creasy, who about this one from trump last night in Latrobe PA?

        ““a sh*t vice president. The worst. You’re the worst vice president. Kamala, you’re fired. Get the hell out of here, you’re fired. Get out of here. Get the hell out of here, Kamala.”

        So presidential! I’m sure world leaders give him more respect for this language (NOT)!

      • Last night in Detroit, trump said,

        “Jill, get your fat husband off the couch,” he said. “Get that fat pig off the couch. Tell him to go and vote for Trump, he’s going to save our country. Get that guy the hell off our— get him up, Jill, slap him around. Get him up. Get him up, Jill. We want him off the couch to get out and vote.”

  2. I think it’s funny that Maher bashes Trump for the the same rhetoric he himself spews. It’s ok for Maher and his ilk to do it but Trump can’t? Double standard as usual. At least Maher didn’t lie and say he’ll leave the country when Trump wins. Every one of the woke left that said they’d move to another country are still here.

    • I wish they’d ALL back up their comments and leave PERMANENTLY – I don’t care where, as long as they’re out of this country. Unfortunately, these people are totally shallow and seldom say what they mean or mean what they say. They’re nothing more than flapping cardboard cutouts. Their absence would have no negative effect on society.

    • Jan ArmyVet – how’d you like that dance thing trump did at his rally while listening to his playlist for 39 minutes. Kristi Noem really tried hard to make the weird seem normal – gotta give her credit.

  3. Trump wins Maher is gone, it’s all a political stunt to raise his views and income. I would love to see Trump win and Maher shit his pants! I don’t think Maher knows how to shut up and be happy!

  4. Maher is a total narcissist who makes Trump look like the most caring person on earth by comparison. Everything Maher does is strictly for Maher’s benefit. I also find it ironic that he calls Trump insane when it’s Trump, unlike Maher, who doesn’t partake in drugs or alcohol. I actually lose a bit of respect for anyone who appears on his show and agrees to have a conversation with him while he drinks or smokes his way into incoherency. It shows a lack of self-respect to allow this guy to get loaded in front of you and waste your time with his ramblings. If you can’t express yourself without the aid of pot or booze, why not just STFU and crawl back in your hole.

  5. Demonrats are such elitist and hate America so much they don’t want America to be great they want Americans to be starving poor without free speech everyone beggers dependents on government hand outs which they give to the illegals criminals immigrants

  6. Maybe Harris isn’t great, but we need to dump Trump again. Trump was the worst president in history. Fortunately Americans flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity they had. Now he wants to add tariffs to foreign imports, which would greatly increase inflation. Plus he wants to give more tax breaks to the rich again, without a clue how to replace the lost revenue, again. Last time he cost us $8 TRILLION dollars of added debt thanks to being clueless about economics. The senile fool is too incompetent, too tired, and too old to do the job. That’s is so obvious. At a rally, demented Donnie said no questions and listened to music for 47 minutes. What a fruitcake!

    • compare the conditions in the US (border, immigration, inflation, etc.) under Trump to those same conditions under Biden/Harris ( open borders, migrants swarming across the border some of whom have murdered young innocent American ladies, out-of-control inflation, etc. ) I’ll take Trump over Harris any day, any time!!

  7. Trump is not demented, senile or a fruitcake. Trump is RICH. Of the filthy, nasty variety. He wanted to be president, so he ran and won. He still wants to be president, so he’s giving it another shot. People who have Trump money don’t think or act like us average Joe’s. Not all, but many will make insensitive, vulgar comments any time they want and pretty much do anything they want and get away with it. But he understands
    making money and seizing power. And how to lose it. And, like it or not, it does, has and always will make the world go round. Until it stops going round. A day I look forward to. I’ll take the arrogant, super rich guy over the bubbly, giggling school girl. Wait about ten and try again, Kammie.

  8. Simply put “The View” is without a doubt the worst “Variety” show ever on TV! It has now become a “political Hack show!”


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