Democrat Pollster Sounds Alarm, Projects Trump VICTORY After Kamala Disaster Interview | ‘It’s OVER’



i don’t care about polls. i’m voting trump like my life depends on it.

Patriots, go out and vote Trump, bring your family and friends, let’s get it done.


  1. Old demented Donnie won’t do interviews now if they fact-check his lies. He would rather stand there and play music. LOL! Trump was the worst president in history. Fortunately Americans flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity they had. Now he wants to add tariffs to foreign imports, which would greatly increase inflation. Plus he wants to give more tax breaks to the rich again, without a clue how to replace the lost revenue, again. Last time he cost us $8 TRILLION dollars of added debt thanks to being clueless about economics.

    • Samuel Goldstein, Economist? Self anointed?
      A. The tax reductions redounded to the benefit of a huge swath of middle and lower-earners, far more impactfully than the corporate relief.
      B. Tariffs … a questionable path but not necessarily inflationary depending on breadth and targeting.
      C. “… he cost us$8 TRILLION [dollars) of added debt ….. Perhaps it is you sir who fails the economist sniff test or, as many on the left< you believe that many of us conservatives fill fall for silliness cloaked in self-important hubris.
      D. Finally, it is hard to imagine anyone of the Jewish faith, religious or not, supporting the leftists in the current administration and more tragically in a Harris administration neither of which is truly a friend of the greatest ally the US has in the world, Israel. Mr. Trump may be buffoonish at times, but the true danger to the nation lies in in the Democrat party and its anti-American posture. It is disgraceful. This mopst certainly is not the Democrat Party of my folks and theirs … Harry Truman, Adlai Stevenson, John Kennedy and others. Their memory and legacies are disgraced by the current pretenders to the mantle.

  2. If Trump had done even a half-ass job, we wouldn’t have flushed the orange turd ASAP. Listen to the senile old fool babble these days. He is mentally and physically unfit to hold any position.


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