Trump’s Secret, Selfless Act During Florida Hurricane Goes VIRAL | ‘This is America First…’



President Trump on the ground helping fellow Americans, while Kamala is drinking beer on Talk shows. Who would you rather have in a disaster. Trump all the way.

Not only that! In one week, he raised over $7 million for Hurricane Helene victims. A real sociopath would be laughing, cracking a beer, while others are distressed and hurting.


  1. How come it is not a secret! What happened to the secret? Oh, I see. Trump told you to let it be know how great he is. I get it now. It really wasn’t a secret! It was meant to be told, because he is so vain he could not stand it not to be told.

    • While cackling social butterfly 🦋🦋🦋 Kamala is drinking beer and yucking it up, Trump is getting things done and he’s not even president YET (for the 2nd time).

  2. Your bias and ignorance are on full display. Perhaps one of the people he helped let people know or it’s because the press always follows everything he does. Can’t you people appreciate the fact that someone is helping these people in their time of need? People like you need to quit with your TDS and appreciate what anyone does for those in need. Bet you’d appreciate it if you had been one of those who lost everything in this disaster. Grow up.

  3. Sad that Trump was such a horseshit president, but Americans were smart enough to flush the orange turd ASAP. Now he is just a demented senile old fool who babbles nonsense and insults everyone, including Republicans who disagree with anything he says. No wonder 18 of his former cabinet members are supporting Harris. They know him best.

  4. Actually, the stick man Biden had dementia when he was elected in 2020 and they hid it from the people for almost four years. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. The Biden’s can’t stand Harris and they know she is a compulsive liar.

    • Notice how she hugs Bidon all the time? You don’t promote people that do a Terrible job folks. you fire them. Obama has been running the country anyhow. He wants a 4 th term now to finish what he started. CHANGE

  5. She says she is a feeling person but when it comes to keeping AMERICANS safe she doesn’t care. She promotes open borders. When AMERICANS need help she sends millions to Lebanon. A country that is trying to wipe out Israel and would kill every American if they could. She cares, just not about America. She and Biden are traitors in my opinion.

  6. Demented Trump proved that he was totally ignorant about economics and foreign affairs. He gave HUGE tax breaks to millionaires and added 8 TRILLION dollars to the national debt after promising to balance the budget. Since he got dumped businesses are booming, stock markets have DOUBLED, oil production is the highest in the world, unemployment is at a low. Thank Christ Trump didn’t get a chance to turn the USA into a 3rd world shithole country.

  7. What is so demented is your remarks. He is possibly the wealthiest person in New York or Florida, and it did not come from the government. It came from a lifetime of hard work.
    the four years with Trump were the best years the American people had in a long time. It is the past four years they have turned America into the most dangerous years of our life. We see ignorance when we read what you have written. TRUMP 2020. And God said AMEN

    • Trump’s term was so bad that he added $8 TRILLION dollars to the national debt, and had to waste a couple trillion on stimulus payments to stop businesses from going bankrupt. How is that “the best years?” LOL!! The clueless buffoon was total incompetent and ignorant about economics and foreign affairs. That’s why the orange turd was rated worst president in history.


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