The White House Press Person CAUGHT ON TAPE Fabricating WILD FEMA Narrative



Voting for Dems is dangerous!!!, I hope this is a lesson for millions of Americans!!!

If you are not a citizen, you shouldn’t be receiving our tax dollars.


  1. U can’t believe anything these lying dumbocraps tell u, it’s all bs, propaganda misinformation. They censor what they don’t like to hear, and cover-up what the media lies for them.

  2. I’ve got the answer. Relocate all the US citizens displaced by the hurricanes to a sanctuary city. It appears they have the money to spend.

  3. Demonrats lies it is just like social security they are telling us inflation was only 2.5 % more lies have you gone to the grocery stores it is a lot higher then that what happens the demonrats have stolen what raise we should of gotten and given the to the illegals criminals immigrants American citizens again on the democrats shit list

  4. Seems the Maga-morons are still swallowing all the bullshit that Trump feeds them. They sure never learned to fact-check. That would require thinking.

  5. Apparently, the Presidential Press Secretary’s official spokespeople are all graduates of the Baghdad Bob’s School for Liars. obama’s spokesperson, Jen P-Saki was also a proud graduate of that school.

  6. Unfortunate that Trump was such a horseshit president, but Americans were smart enough to flush the orange turd ASAP. Now he is just a demented senile old fool who babbles nonsense and insults everyone, including Republicans who disagree with anything he says. No wonder 18 of his former cabinet members are supporting Harris. They know him best.

    • You’re an idiot! You like this economy? You think being over run by gangs, crime, illegals, ww111 and all this woke sick stuff is fine? Well clearly you are one of the corrupt sick democrats who can no longer distinguish between right and wrong!

  7. Kjp or whatever the so called press (liar) secretary is such a fraud and blatant DEI hire that’s an embarrassment why why why is she even allowed to continue to lie every time she opens her mouth??


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