Kamala BLOWS 60 Minutes Interview and TANKS in the polls!



She can’t answer a question. No straight answers, like every puppet.

Push back? If he had stuck to it then yes but he didn’t.


    • Yes, bullshit is all that ever comes out of Trump’s mouth. The convicted sexual predator, pussy grabber who cheats on every wife he’s had, who bangs porn stars and wants to control women’s bodies. Does he really expect to get women’s votes? And a traitor who committed treason by trying to overturn the election. Does he expect true Americans to vote for him? Or just brainwashed Maga-morons?

  1. Ask yourself if you should vote for the candidate that the N.W.O. installed,….. the lying, biased MSM supports, or the candidate that the MSM constantly vilifies, has two assassination attempts and is opposed by the pedophile parrots of Hollywood???

    • Anything is better than a lying corrupt pedo POS wannabe dictator like Trump. As Vance once said, Trump is “America’s Hitler.” Lock his ass up. He’s an embarrassment to America.

  2. Trump backed out of the CNN interview when they said they would fact-check him on all his lies. That would make Trump speechless anyway, since the orange turd can’t finish a sentence without lying so what would he say? What a chicken-shit and poor excuse for a leader! Impossible for that moron to be interviewed without lying. POS!

  3. If the Democratic Party steals this election like they stole the 2020 election, we’re screwed! The erosion this country has suffered under the Biden administration can be seen as the beginning of the end. We can not continue on our current party and make it another 4 year term. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness will be only a memory!

  4. After 62 investigations, including Trump’s own, showed there was NOTHING that would have changed the results of the election, you still believe otherwise? You have to be the dumbest person on this site! Do you swallow every bit of bullshit that Trump feeds you?

  5. Just the thought of these 2 in the White House should scare the pants
    off everyone!!!! If this is what we are coming to and the best are these
    two…….we are in deep deep do do. Just take a step back and realize
    what you might be about to create !!!!! This won’t be something you can
    take to customer service for a refund!!

    • Yes, I also can’t imagine Trump & Vance in the White House. Especially considering what a total fuck-up Trump was in his only term. And back then Vance calling Trump “America’s Hitler.” What a pair of clowns. LOL!

  6. Where do these pro-trump people get their information??? OAN? Some X formerly know as twitter poster? It just seems like their lives must be teeny tiny to have no outside look beyond conspiracy theories. Sad.

  7. If any of you had half a brain you would realize Harris is simply a person that can not answer questions or present a clear message on anything. complete fake with no back ground to be president of even the local PTA. Dummy and drummer. But most liberals are supportive of her Marxists agenda.


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