Woke Alyssa Milano GOT HUMILIATED By Hollywood Celebrities



I used to love this girl! Then she opened her mouth! That ended my love.

Stupid is as stupid does.



  1. She used to be cute as Samantha on Who’s the Boss but she’s turned into a far-left radical bitch. She is a politically clueless activist.

  2. When you can’t act any longer then you need to become a globalist puppet, demonrat preaching globalist agendas so that globalists can try to make you relevant only because you preach their globalist agendas .

  3. Alyssa Milano is just trying to be relevant. She’s stuck on the “Me Syndrome” because we all know it’s all about her. Nothing more than a woke idiot trying desperately to stay in the limelight. NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU THINK MILANO!!

    • Not to mention she wants to justify her previous abortions. She’s talked about those openly and how it helped her to be a better mother in the here and now. Justify justify justify!!! She feels guilty about who and what she is so if she says that she is great and compassionate somehow it will come true. Typical liberal bs!!!

  4. The only dumbycrats push abortion so hard..1 is so then can allocate tax payer dollar to plan parenthood.. this in it self is abortionist cult kill babies so that they keep donating to democrats to keep the re-elected so keep the cycle of killing babies to donate so the dummy crats stay in office with money to get re-elected from killing babies…

  5. We all wonder how ANY woman with any self-respect could support a pussy grabber who cheats on every wife he’s had, pays to bang porn stars, is a convicted sexual predator, and wants to control what women can do with their bodies? Do these women suffer from really low self-esteem? Are they used to being abused? Do they say “there’s an ideal man for my daughter?”


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