Chris Cuomo Calls Trump To APOLOGIZE After After Second Attack



There is nothing wrong with being wrong. Not admitting it is the problem.

Fredo is making some damn good points but I still can’t say I trust him much after all the years of anti-conservative takes.


  1. Nobody should be sorry for dissing Trump. Yes, it’s a shame that Trump turned out to be such a horseshit president, and worse that the GOP couldn’t find a better candidate in 2020. Anyone else could have beaten Biden, except the orange turd. He really is a joke.

    • I’m not sure what you’re smoking but under Trump we had no wars, a secured border, unemployment rate was low, inflation was low, Mortgage rates were low house. House Prices were normal. Name one thing the Democratic Party has ever done for the American people!

      • Yes, the maga-morons are truly ignorant about inflation. They think that Trump or Biden were telling the companies what they can charge for their products. Can you imagine such stupidity? Although Trump seems as dumb about economics as they are, so what else can you expect from uneducated deplorables? Do they even know that Trump approved the chairman of the Fed?

  2. The American Commie is Trump. Try to find anywhere that he said one bad word about his idol Putin? He also quotes Hitler and brags about his love affair with Kim Yung Un. At least the majority of Americans flushed the POS wannabe dictator ASAP, after one term too many, and will do it again. Thank you god for saving us from a dictator.

    • Hey Juan,
      Have you ever heard the phrase “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer?”
      Trumps chooses to make peace with friends and enemies!! That is what a GOOD LEADER does!! He has talked about how he does this at his rallies, but I bet MSM does not let you watch his rallies, you might make up your own mind if you did that!,

      Kim Jung Un stopped testing and pointing rockets at us, under Trumps administration, Putin did not start a war under Trumps administration, they knew better than to mess with the US under Trumps administration!
      HE stopped what Obama, and Biden started and were not able or chose not to stop!

      Unlike the Biden HARRIS, administration that chooses to make enemies of everyone, ignoring leaders of other countries, and what is going on in the world!
      Destroying our country letting 20 million illegal immigrants, gangs, criminals,and terrorists into our country for us to support, destroying our economy with all their spending, leading us to the brink of WW111!

      Can you imagine Kamala giggling, laughing and talking her mixed up Marxist messages to World Leaders? Telling them in that winy baby voice of hers how she “comes from a middle class home, how she misses cooking Sunday dinner?”

      You do know her dad is a Marxist Economist, who has written a book on Marxism, and according to Judge Joe Brown is NOT BLACK!
      Also, that Waltz’s and his wife honeymooned in China, that he taught school in China, that he has been to China 30 times, that Congress is investigating because of his ties to China, and the $250,000 of Covid money that went missing. He let Minneapolis, and the Twin Cities burn during the riots, and put tampon machines in the boys school bathrooms in Minnesota! What a guy!!
      Probably other facts MSM does not let you guys know!!

      And as far as Trump being the dictator they keep scaring you into believing, to keep hate, and division alive goes, ,
      Trump did say ” I will be a Dictator ON DAY ONE, AND TELL THEM TO CLOSE THE BORDER, AND TO DRILL BABY DRILL”.
      Funny how they only tell you the parts that make you scared or mad instead of what he really says! 🤔

      Do you remember when gas was $2.00 a gallon or less? When groceries were 48% lower according to the latest comparison charts, when we had the lowest unemployment rate ,and lowest inflation, when young kids could afford to buy a home, when we were safe with closed borders and no wars? That was Trump!!! The “dictator” who loves and cares about this country, And the people in it!!

      The same Trump they said would not leave the White House once he got in it! WRONG AGAIN! I watched him and Melaniea walk out of the White House very peacefuly!!

      Might be a good idea to turn off the propaganda, and start doing some research so up you know what you are talking about!

  3. Unfortunately the American Commie is Trump. Try to find anywhere that he said one bad word about his idol Putin? He also quotes Hitler and brags about his love affair with Kim Yung Un. At least the majority of Americans flushed the POS wannabe dictator ASAP, after one term too many, and will do it again. Thank you god for saving us from a dictator.

    • Do you just copy/paste your comments because you’re out of words? You keep repeating the same message when you post. I responded to the same rhetoric yesterday. Now you have 2 more. That’s all you got? Be more creative. You must have graduated from the Dems indoctrination/brainwashing Socialist school system. I hope you got your diploma so you can hang it proud. Moron.

  4. If Cuomo apologized to Trump for being part of the inciteful MSM (I didn’t watch vid), then he is not the complete athole I thought he was.

    But there are some complete atholes posting above.

  5. Trump was clueless about running the country and now is an old babbling imbecile loser. But, no big problem. We will just flush the orange turd again. Voters aren’t dumb enough to let tRump turn us into a shithole country run by a wannabe dictator.


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