Hillary Proposes Jail for Trump Supporters?!?!



Well if that doesn’t scream Nazism!!! Throw me in jail cause I love Donald Trump he’s my President and a hero in my eyes. I’m a white girl in my 60’s

She’s got a lot of evil and criminal background to protect.


  1. Why is woman significant? She is the most arrogant person on the planet. As someone who destroyed records, for which she should have been punished, and was not, she should keep her big mouth shut.

  2. If anyone belongs in jail, it is Hillary Clinton. She should be serving life for the things she has done. The Benghazi deaths and destruction of Government records, cell phones, bleachbit. She should have gone to jail for all of it. People fear she and Bill and all the deaths involving them. What the Hell, doesn’t anyone have any balls left in this country??? Oh yeah we have our amazing Donald Trump and they are all trying to bury him before the election. Something none of them have is God Almighty to protect Donald Trump. If anything happens to him, they will all pay dearly!!!

    • Yes everything is one sided and we have lost most freedoms already and the end will be here in a hurry if Harris gets in, there are some very evil people in the democrat party. They are the dictators and want everyone that doesn’t agree with them in jail!

  3. Trump is the Commie dictator who tried to overturn the election and the will of the people on Jan. 6th. He incited his fellow traitors, and pressured VP Pence to void the results, asked for 11,700 fraudulent votes in Georgia, and tried getting false electors in different states. How much more corrupt could the orange turd get? Other countries would have him put away for TREASON! Go ahead with childish insults, but face the facts.

    • You are a brain washed fool, they got your number and January 6th, heres the truth about that!!!! January 6th was orchestrated by Pelosi and her buddies ANTIFA. They were let into the Capitol with Trump gear by the capitol Police at Pelosi’s direction the Capitol police also threw concussion bombs at the peaceful protestor and burnt one badly and wouldn’t let anyone help! This was all to take Trump down and to scare protestors from ever protesting the Democrat party in power ever again! That is also why she didn’t want the National guard there! They also killed an unarmed veteran! I have the video that the January 6th committee held back from the public, and it’s all recorded so it’s time for you to see the truth once and for all!!

  4. Hillary Clinton is a LowLife Scumbag! Her no Class lifestyle has made her a constant Joke amongst Americans. Her remarks about jailing Trump supporters shows everyone just how Dumb she is!
    She makes a fool of herself constantly with her stupid remarks👎👎👎

  5. This should of all people should not be passing judgment on anyone going to jail. Her ass should be rotting in jail at this moment. I know Old Bill would be happy in his old age. Think of the women he could have and not have to worry about Hillary The Hun breathing down his neck.

  6. If Hillary had a brain, she’d shut the f**k up and disappear from public view. But she doesn’t and she won’t. I don’t care what that evil bitch has to say. She’s out of order. She never accepted the fact that she lost the 2016 election. She burps that Trump “stole” the election from her.

  7. Hillary is a whining loser.Her election run is over .No one wants her or needs her. No one listens to her BS. She needs to see a therapist for her TDS.

  8. Hillary seems to be melting down like the Wicked Witch of the West– “what a world, what a world” and Trump is like Dorothy- throwing a bucket of cold water on her. Hillary ought to be grateful for Trump for not “locking her up” as he threatened to do in 2016 before becoming magnanimous after his victory, letting her escape punishment for her myriad crimes. Hillary’s self-enrichment schemes probably served to entice Joe Biden’s global bribery payment operations (using his bagman son, Hunter). These scandals constitute a huge black eye for the U.S., with our presidency serving as the “leader of the free world.” It should be a top priority for the GOP to make these Democrats submit to “equal justice”– and put behind bars all those who have gotten away with criminal misconduct (and hope statutes of limitations haven’t expired)!

  9. The lying left liberal Democrats are behind all of these assassination attempts on President Trump, they admitted they will destroy him any way they can and they are the ones who throw out all these threats against him, then they have the gall to say republicans are the violent ones!! GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK!! Every time one of them makes a threat they should be arrested, jailed for awhile then fined a huge amount of money. EVERY TIME THEY DO THIS!!! Can’t stand these jackasses who want to have a socialist government. Go to another foreign country and see how socialism works!! You will change your mind real quick!


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