Kamala Harris WHIPS OUT FAKE Black Accent Again As She RECEIVES DEVASTATING Post Debate News!



The black guy’s rant in the beginning was the most justified display of rage ever

How do the blk people that still support her not find these accents offensive at this point?


  1. WOW what a great Shame that the Media and KAMALA were so Focused on Saving America from this disaster of TRUEly TRUMPastic LIES and the Destruction of the Nation and the AMAZING American 🇺🇸 economy and Government that RESURFACED after TRUMPsy was DeSelcted by a GREAT JOB Election 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸✅

    • You honestly believe she saved this country.. Open your eyes.. Investigate her claims !!She claims she brought down inflation.. It’s only 3%.. Yah.. prices are up again over last year by only 3% by 2022 Joe had inflation up to 9.5 % Way up over where Trump had it at 1.9% So she only raised the cost of things last year by 3% .. Great JOB!! How about her claims that she got the cost of insulin down to $35.00 a month.. Most people on Medicare pay about $9.a month and her great $35. a month doesn’t even take effect until 2026..So he claims of meeting that ” grandmother ” who was pating hundreds and ever thousands a month is nothing by straight up lies !! Even with NO insur or gov assist the cost is only about $123 a month out of pocket…. Go down the list of accomplishments and investigate each one .. Make sure you’re sitting when you do !! we won’t even talk about the border!!

  2. globalist puppet, demonrat criminal party, harris probably eats as much crack as their globalist puppet, demonrat voter crack heads .

  3. Very offensive! Why is it always about race? Kamala Harris has Irish in her DNA too. Hey, this is America and we all need to all get along, but act normal about it.

  4. Not the best two candidates, I don’t see much praise for Harris, but it was pretty obvious why the majority of Americans flushed the orange moron ASAP! There has never been a more useless incompetent lying buffoon in public office ever! We sure don’t want a senile old fool running the country who’s had 20 failed businesses and 6 bankruptcies. He’s so incompetent that it’s laughable. Don’t EVER let that fool near taxpayer’s money again. A moron who goes bankrupt even with casinos, and adds 8 TRILLION dollars to our national debt in one short term. Nobody could possibly be worse than Trump.

  5. Thank you, Samuel, for an educated response to the election problem. Harris is the only choice we have to save USA from becoming a bankrupt shithole country under Trump. He had his try at playing president and failed miserably.

  6. It is unimaginable how citizens are so blind to the truth of what democrats are trying their “best” and I say this sarcastically to spin the constant lies that the fake media spews to them about Donald Trump, but swallows Kamala & Walz spew of their new plan for the USA. Not realizing their plan is to make our nation into another Russia, NKorea, Cuba and Venezuela. In one word, Communist! Donald Trump has always stood by his word and fulfills his promises to make our lives better here. When Biden & Harris has given us 9.5 inflation rate for the passed 4 years! They want more of that? How many are going hungry, how many are unable to buy the homes of their dreams. How many have had to quit their jobs, because they can’t afford to buy the gas for their cars? Wake up people, wake up!

  7. Time to face facts. Trump was such a total fuck-up as president that you have to be braindead to want that moron back in office. At least the majority of Americans were intelligent enough to flush the orange turd after one disastrous term too many. Thank you, and thank god! Imagine having a loser like Trump for president whose only experience is in filing bankruptcy 6 times with 20 failed businesses. Looks like TRUMP MEDIA is almost broke now. That’s number 21. How many times do we have to flush before shithead gets the message?

  8. The black guy is right. Trump in office and the black community was thriving for once and all most of them do is blame Trump for everything career democrats have done to the black community for DECADES! Blacks should vote because of policies, not because this stupid radical is black. How insulting to say “Hope and Joy” when the only people feeling that are rich Dems.

  9. Trump is such a useless POS. He has lost the black vote, the women’s vote, and every intelligent male’s vote. Who does that leave? Even many Republicans are trying to flush the orange turd.


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