Bette Midler Faces MAJOR BACKLASH For The CRAZIEST Tweet Yet!



If you gave Harris or Midler a penny for their thoughts you would only get change

Bette Midler hasn’t been relevant since the 90s, and has aged like spoiled milk.


  1. Midler a waste of space. And old dried-up prune whose career was made by middle class people and now she turns her back on them because she got the money. Bitch

  2. Considering it was a 3 on 1 event, President Trump won with pointing out how ignorant Heels Up Harris is, how she has no real plans that aren’t Biden’s plans, and how she doesn’t have the ability to do one simple job, secure the border. She is pretty great at pulling off a coup, but that’s where the marxist training from her daddy comes in. I don’t know who taught her how to be a who’re. Maybe she was born with that one.

    • the only “thing” she/it has ever pulled was, “a train”. IT was nutty Nancy, Chuck U. Schumer and barry boy obama that THREW Joe Obiden to the sharks. The stupid DIMs got screwed again, just like Hitlery Rotten Clinton stealing the DNC money and losing in 2016 (Bernie would have beaten Trump) and in 2024 only the rich elite demon-rats gave you a nominee? YOU didn’t get to vote fo da ho? sound like democracy to you? me neither. The DIMs are pathetic

    • It’s funny how all the braindead MAGAts can only hurl insults at Harris while they swallow all the bullshit Trump feeds them. Maybe learn to fact-check all his lies and see why he is a losing? People aren’t voting FOR Harris. They are voting AGAINST Trump because he is a traitorous corrupt senile fool who proved to be totally useless as president. He didn’t lose because he did a good job. He proved to be incompetent.

  3. Taylor Swift’s Instagram post endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris immediately after Tuesday night’s debate has inspired more than 405,000 visitors to visit Trump has lost 88% of the women’s voters. Him and Vance are too stupid to be in this race. They can’t handle strong women. Kamala just DESTROYED the senile buffoon in the debate.

    • The only senile buffoon are the people like you who vote for communism but are too stupid to know what you are actually voting for. Trump will MAGA because he was sent by God and not these corrupt Dems who steal from government to enrich themselves. That’s capitalism just like Putin

  4. The absolute idiots that say they’re not voting for Harris they’re voting against Trump must drink pee because it’s sterile. If you like the hyper inflation, if you’re in love with the high interest rates, (Trump had them at 2.5% and now they’re at 10.5%) if you’re over the moon about gas prices (Trump-$2.22 a gal here in Fla now $3.29 this administration) people losing money in their retirement plans because of a week stock market, (strong under Trump). Unemployment up and wages low for the current economy—- keep drinking the pee and don’t vote for Trump! Me-I don’t drink pee!

    • Paula! How brainwashed can you be? Neither Trump nor Biden tells companies what they can charge for their products. Give your head a shake. Since we flushed the orange turd, stocks markets have doubled, unemployment is really low, wages are higher, but you are whining?

      • Now who’s drinking the pee. That would be you or you have been living under a rock or have been smoking too much weed to know that you’re munchies have tripled under the current administration. Unemployment higher than it’s been in years, housing rates were at 2.5% when Trump left office and now it’s 10.5 but great news it’s now 8%. Gas was $2.22 a gal when Trump left office and here in Florida it has gotten up to almost $5.00 and is currently $3.29 a gal electric bills are doubled housing prices and rent are doubled groceries are doubled. The struggle to keep afloat is getting harder every day. I look at struggles of the people around me I’m not a stoned out liberal that can’t have a thought in my head unless it’s put there by the liberal media. I can see and I know history you can’t rewrite history—We were better off 4 years ago than we are now. I will vote for Trump and be proud to do it. You my friend just keep smoking.

        • I agree with you 100% we can just ignore these dumb high school dropouts who have no brains and want a communist country. Trump is our next president not Kakala Harris Trump Trump

      • Oh Manny. Sorry to hear about your stroke. That’s the only way normal people would have the assinine opinions you share. Get well soon.

      • they both drink the new arsenic flavored liberal kool-aid. They just tell them “it is better than piss”. The DIMs are so stupid….. gullible

  5. Tough question: What decent woman in her right mind would support a vile POS who cheats on every wife he’s had, bangs porn stars, has a record of sexual assault, and calls himself a good Christian? Has there ever been such a low-life a politician with such shitty character? Gee I wonder why he only has 12% of the women’s vote, and who the hell are those women?

    • How many people would vote for a drunk, who wants to give all of the taxpayers money to everyone, but Americans? Who would vote for someone who lies about everything, including her heritage? Who would vote for a woman who married an abusive predator, who knocked up the nanny? Go sit on it.

    • how about Joe Obiden, marrying the baby sitter and the other one, knocked the baby sitter up? I won’t mention Bill Clinton… yeah, YOU have morals?

    • Boy are you missing some brains. You must be a CNN watcher and believe all of the BS lies that you see on TV. Everything you have said has all been proven to be nothing but made up lies by the democrats to make you believe that so they can steal your vote and you are falling for it.You need to see a brain transplant doctor.

  6. Trump was such a total fuck-up as president that you have to be braindead to want that moron back in office. At least the majority of Americans were intelligent enough to flush the orange turd after one term too many. Thank you, and thank god!

  7. Bette has always been just plain trashy…ppl assume that money and fame will bring you class, but as you can see, Bette has none.

    • even as millionaires, the savages in the NFL are still victims of their environment (concrete jungle). Why the unGREATful SOCIETY hasn’t scored the first “poster child” that has escaped poverty.

  8. She needs to leave just like the rest of these elite POS promised to do
    so please just go, no one will miss any of you POS anyway y’all are just bs talking idiots !!!!!


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